
I don’t know about you but 2017 was just kind of a rough year. We experienced brutal Summer temps, Hurricane Harvey, and even snow in December. Not to mention the many trials that we were faced with personally. No one warned us how “fun” it would be raising teenagers. 😂

When 2018 rolled in I was sick in bed for a week with a cold that knocked me on my a**!!! That little voice on my shoulder kept saying. “See, 2018 is going to be just like 2017”. I told this little voice where he could go back to… 2018 was NOT going to be just like 2017! I knew I had to get my mindset right.

The second weekend in January I was blessed to attend a Pink Zebra leadership conference with several of my peers. Fabulous speakers and fellowship was had with many. Including the founders of Pink Zebra. One speaker stood out to me. She started speaking like she was reading my mind! Talking about mindsets, patterns, the power over your mind, etc. I was sold and more focused than ever.

I had heard mindset and the power of your thoughts before. But it wasn’t until the Lord opened my eyes to how true this was, that it finally started to sink in. 3 weeks into this intense workshop, my mindset is becoming more of a habit. My thoughts are shifting from. “This always happens to me.” Or “It’s just the way I am.” To.. “I am thankful and grateful to have the life I have.” “I AM better than I was yesterday.” And let me tell you something. Just the shift in the positive direction and noticing and being aware of all the negative I was attracting has been an eye opener!

So what are you feeding your mind? Where is your focus going? Are you focused on the can’t, the finances, the doubt, the fear? Or are you focused on the good. Focus on love, truth, faith, and can!

I pray this blog will help you think about what you think about and listen to the words that come out of your mouth.

Have an amazing day!

Love, Emily

Follow us on Facebook at Sprinkles of Faith

Spring is here and so are Free Samples!!!

Sunset Romance Recipe ❤

Pink Zebra knocked it out of the park again with the launch of our Spring/Summer 2018 catalog!!!

Customers and Consultants are raving over the new scents, warming shades, accent shades and more!

Want a catalog?? Simply shoot me an email I’ll get you hooked up with some amazing smelling samples as well!!!

Here’s a few pictures of some of our new items!!!!!! ❤ Enjoy!

NEW Happy Daisy! Available in Sprinkles and Soaks!

2018 Soaks Line Up!

Pink Zebra Sprinkle Fragrances 2018

5 Years Later…

So I have sat down to write this entry at least 4 times. I just don’t know where to start.  The pain of losing my mom is as real today at it was when we said “Goodbye for a little while.” five years ago.   Has it become easier to deal with, yes… does it still hurt.. yes.

A good friend of mine told me the other day. “Would you rather have never met this person and not feel any pain or would you rather have loved this person and have this pain?”  The answer is simple.  It was a great loss but a great love!  I would rather carry the pain around with me everyday than to have never met my mother.

I know what she would say if she were hear.  Go.. live your life. Make me proud.  I know I am doing that but I feel like my grief is holding me back.  Is it time to let go of the pain I’ve come to cling to as a child clings to it’s favorite toy? I think so.  It’s time to remember all the good and cherish the memories that we made.  The emptiness will always be there but the pain… it’s time for the pain to fade.  Time for me to honor her with my life.. I will always miss you mom, until we meet again….

Your Daughter,



Balloons to Heaven with love!

Cecilia Rice

“The Rose”

Cecilia Rice 1938-2013


Blue Butterfly

My Why.. My Butterfly