Thankful & Grateful

Recently I have been on a thankfulness journey. After going thru a pretty rough patch of depression last year, I needed a way out. Medication was not working for me. I prayed a lot but often times found myself not even in the mood to pray. I was doom and gloom in human form.

So what changed? Gratitude.

I forced myself to say 10 things everyday I was thankful and grateful for. When I first started out it was literally thank you for hot water, air, a bed, etc. But that’s ok! We can be thankful for the smallest things in our life. But these small things I was thankful for were big things as well. Has your hot water heater ever gone out? Hot water is a gift! Long showers and clean dishes.. Air.. we need it to breathe. Have you ever been under water too long and felt you lungs screaming for a breath of air? Even the bed. Imagine sleeping on the floor or even on a long vacation when you come home and crawl into your own bed after sleeping in a hotel for a while. It’s an amazing feeling.

My point is there is always, always, always something to be grateful for. Focusing on these things has been a huge reason I am depression medication free.

I challenge you to think of 10 things you are thankful for every day. When you leave your house, think of 10 more things while you’re gone. Could be a parking spot close to a store, a co-worker helping you out, a penny on the ground. Just a small thank you in your mind and feelings of gratitude will eventually become a part of your everyday routine.

Today I am thankful for all of my blog readers. I truly appreciate every one of you.

God Bless,


About Sprinkles of Faith

I am wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I have 5 kids who are amazing. I enjoy home schooling, gardening, and living my simple farm life. My mother went home to be with Jesus in 2013. Through pain and heartache my husband and I started on a new adventure that is changing our lives, Pink Zebra. Kenan and I love working for such a great company and meeting so many new people. We have built lasting friendships, gained self confidence, and earned income all while HAVING FUN!! Sprinkles of Faith is dedicated in loving memory of my mother. Check out my website to learn more about Pink Zebra. "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23

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