The Butterfly

A while back I shared my why with you. If you haven’t read it, click here.  It was riddled in pain and tears.  Life is still not the same without my mother.  I’m learning that it never will be….

The butterfly is an amazing creation of Gods.  He spared no glory when He created them.  The transformation they undergo is like no other.  How can this ugly little caterpillar spin a cocoon and transform into this beautiful colorful butterfly?  To us humans it makes no sense.  Yet it happens.  We see it all the time and don’t really take its mystery in.

Rewind: I’m 7 years old and sitting in the front seat of my mother’s best friend’s car.  It’s almost Mother’s Day.  Linda is taking me shopping to pick out something special for my mother! I am beyond excited.  Linda was amazing!  My mom could not have asked for a better best friend.  No matter what my mood, Linda could make me smile. We get to the store and I’m looking and looking… And then I see it.  This beautiful white ceramic egg with a beautiful Monarch butterfly on it.  Linda agreed it was a good pick. Anyone who knows me, knows I hate surprises.  It was SO difficult not to spill the beans to my mom and give her the present early.  Finally, that Sunday morning of Mother’s Day rolls around.  I am up and ready to surprise mom with her gift.  I’ll never forget the look in her eyes when she opened it. She was so excited. She loved it!!!  That was one of the first of MANY butterflies that she received from Linda and myself. Plus the countless others that our family gave her.  When my family saw a butterfly, we thought of mom. We still do.


I still have that butterfly egg.  It’s funny how it went into the gift bag as just an egg.  But when my mother opened it, it became a beautiful reminder of that day. It’s beauty will last long after I am gone.  The memory is a treasure I hold dear and is more valuable that rubies.

It wasn’t until after I became a Christian that I understood the significance between the Resurrection of Jesus. Into the tomb broken, beaten, dead.  He came out of the tomb beautiful, glorified, and making all things new.  I never would have guessed what that little egg would mean to me one day and what all it would stand for in my life.  One day I too will be like my mother and Jesus.  One day I will leave this shell and become a beautiful butterfly alongside Christ and my mother.


Pink Zebra – What’s New For June?

The start of a new month is always exciting in our Pink Zebra world.  A new scent is introduced every month and this one, I dare say, is my favorite! Cedar Lodge! Kenan is more than excited to say the least.  He’s been asking for cedar since last year.  Yes, the powers that be at Pink Zebra do listen!

Paisley Pick June Cedar LodgeOur past Paisley’s Picks are still available! Get them while you can! Paisley's Pick Feb-May



AND June also brings our new HOST EXCLUSIVE!  It is huge and I am in love with it!

june host pink zebraSummer is also the perfect time to join Pink Zebra!  Fall is our busiest season.   I am also giving away a FREE jar of one of Paisley’s Picks to everyone who joins me on my Pink Zebra adventure!  I am proof that $99 can change your life!

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