Blessed by Pink Zebra! Join Today!!

Another life blessed by Pink Zebra.

In October of 2013 I met Bethany for the first time. She had already taken the leap of faith to join my PZ team. As we sat and fellow shipped over our Starbucks coffee, I told her the perks of the business and my why story.  I shared the loss of my mom and she shared her story of the loss of hers.  We bonded. Not just over the business, not just over the fact that we were both working through the loss of our mothers, but a deep Christian body of Christ bond.

In December of that year, Bethany was one of my team members that promoted to an Executive Consultant, thus promoting me to Manager!  We laughed, prayed, worshiped, and both went a little nuts with the excitement!

Bethany has been by my side through the ups and downs of life with me the past 8 months.  I am SO blessed that God has brought us together.  Without Him and Pink Zebra we never would have met.  Today, my dear friend promoted to Manager!!! I cannot begin to express how EXCITED I am for her.  When she walks on stage in Nashville to receive her Manager’s necklace I’m sure I am going to cry!

Congrats to you my friend, fellow zebra, and sister in Christ!


Bethany @ Share Some Sprinkle Scents!

Bethany @ Share Some Sprinkle Scents!

 So what’s stopping you from joining my team?  We are growing at a rate 8x faster than our leading competitors at based on where they were in their 2nd year of business.  Buckle your seat belts and come to the pink side!!!  Have you ever thought and wished you had joined one of the best direct sales companies out there when it was young?  Well, I’m telling you now, get in now, work your business, and you too could be one of the men and women who make a 6 or even 7 figure income in direct sales in just a few short years!!! Check out Sarah Robbins‘ story! She’s a 6 figure a month earner!!

Do You See PZ on the Chart!!!!???

Do You See PZ on the Chart!!!!???

Join our team and together, lets change lives!  Starting with yours!!!  Visit me online at to learn more about joining the Sprinkle Revolution!


Prayers and blessings to all!!!!

Kenan and Emily



Throw Back Thursday!

So as I’ve entered the world of social medial, I have discovered hashtags. At first they seemed odd to me. Maybe I am getting old?  When I first saw #tbt I was thinking what the heck does that mean.  With a quick help from the online source that keeps this mom of 5 up to date with all the lingo, Google answered my question, Throw Back Thursday.  I was wondering how many of my family members on Facebook would LOVE to see the old pics of them I have stashed in my secret lair.  (evil laugh)   I have really started to enjoy #tbt now! Seeing all the old pictures of friends that I lost contact with for a while. Pictures of loved ones passed and children that have grown up to quickly.  So here’s a treat for you! Some of my favorite throw backs from my lair.


I hope you enjoy! These people mean the world to me! Life is short, live, love, and trust in God.



Here’s the youngest cousins in 2009.  These guys are 5 now and are as adorable as ever!

My cousin, James and me! My partner in crime since 1982!

My cousin, James and me! My partner in crime since 1982!



My Sister-in-law, Kara over at Home With Purpose with Nanny.  This was the year before Nanny passed in 2010.


Our Crazy Ethan 2011

Allison 2006. She should have been on a commercial for Angel Soft!

Allison 2006. She should have been on a commercial for Angel Soft!

My second mother, Linda. We miss you!!

My second mother, Linda. We miss you!!

Two of my FAVORITE people EVER! My grandparents, Ernest and Emma Lee.

Two of my FAVORITE people EVER! My grandparents, Ernest and Emma Lee.

My Daddy and me! 1982

My Daddy and me! 1982

Swimming with my mom and sisters! California 1994.

Swimming with my mom and sisters! California 1993.

Hailee on Tarzan

Hailee on Tarzan

No wonder they call her Nana! 4 wheeling while we made sausage! 2011

No wonder they call her Nana! 4 wheeling while we made sausage! 2011

Allison and Ethan 2012

Allison and Ethan 2012

My great grandparents, Momma and Papa Joseph.  Can't wait to meet them one day!

My great grandparents, Momma and Papa Joseph. Can’t wait to meet them one day!

I love this hose! Axel!

I love this horse! Axel!

My Pawpaw! Miss you!!!

My Pawpaw! Miss you!!!

My Mom - My Butterfly! 2007

My Mom – My Butterfly! 2007

Our first home school project! We hatched ducks!

Our first home school project! We hatched ducks!

I seriously have the best in laws!

I seriously have the best in laws!

Renaissance Festival!! 2006

Renaissance Festival!! 2006

Hailee our oldest in Port O'Connor. She loves to fish!

Hailee our oldest in Port O’Connor. She loves to fish!

3 generations.. Dad, Grandpa, and my bother, Bryan. 1983

3 generations.. Dad, Grandpa, and my bother, Bryan. 1983

I always wanted to be a COWGIRL!

I always wanted to be a COWGIRL!

My sisters and I at Sea World 1996

My sisters and I at Sea World 1996

4 Generations! I love these women more than words can say!

4 Generations! I love these women more than words can say!

My brothers! I don't know where I would be today without them!

My brothers! I don’t know where I would be today without them!

My favorite person ever! My #2 - Kenan and I when we first met. 7 years ago.

My favorite person ever! My #2 – Kenan and I when we first met. 7 years ago.












Is Pink Zebra the Right Choice for Me?

April 12th was our second rally for 2014.  Rallies are a new adventure Pink Zebra has given us!  Pink Zebra consultant’s nation wide meet on the same day, receive a new product, awards recognition, and team training.  It really gets us excited to see how fast our company is growing is such a short amount of time.  We are ranked in the top 10 of fastest growing direct sales companies out there and we are only 30 months old!!  I can’t even imagine what the numbers are going to look like a year from now! Coming up next is the 3rd Annual Family Reunion taking place at the Gaylord Resort in Nashville, TN! I’m so excited! This will be my first family reunion and it’s taking place at my “graceland”!!  Since I am Manager, I will have the privilege of going backstage at the Grand Ole Opry for cocktails with the owners and then on to watch the show!  My mother is smiling down on this one.  Her and I share a deep rooted love for country music! I hope George Strait is there.. hehe!  For more info on our Rallies and Reunion click here.

Unfortunately, Kenan and I had to miss out on the Rally this month.  We were blessed to be a part of Rezfest! Jeremy Camp was one of the artist/bands featured at this event.  Pink Zebra was a huge hit among the attendees. We were even right across from a Scentsy booth.  Nothing against Scentsy, they are an amazing company and have amazing consultants, but it was obvious that Kenan and I joined the right direct sales company for the goals we have set.  Which were ground floor, first in our area, new and exciting products, etc.  Everyone had Sprinkle fever!!

So, where is Pink Zebra headed and what is Pink Zebra all about.  Here are some videos for you to watch! Just click on the picture below!


In May of 2013 our company hit 6,000 consultants. We are now close to 16,000! That is an amazing growth rate and we haven’t even hit the Momentum stage of our business.  We are still in the Concentration stage!  If you have been on the fence about Pink Zebra, I cannot stress to you enough to join BEFORE the momentum stage.  Joining after will still get you where you want to be, but NOW is the time to get in if you want to see those big paychecks start rolling in once we hit that momentum stage. Of course, our Directors and Executive Directors are already making well over 6 figures, which is huge for a company still so early on.  Think about those paychecks come the Momentum stage! I can think of a lot of things I can do for my family and community with a 6 figure income! College anyone?

Pink Zebra has unique products, eco-friendly, and they’re something new.  They last longer than most home fragrance options and you can use them either wickless or make them into candles.  The possibilities are endless!  Pink Zebra allows you the freedom to own your own business and be you!  Direct Sales is on the rise.  There are so many men and women out there that want the freedom and time with friends, family, or enjoying their hobbies!


We have an amazing enrollment special going on right now!  Both kits (basic or deluxe) are $25 off! Our basic kit is $99 so that’s $74 for $240 in product.  (Now I’m going to sound like an infomercial) But wait there’s more. LOL! Enroll this month and receive our Cathedral Lantern Shade for FREE that’s a $45 retail value and an EXTRA package of catalogs ($18) value for free!  That will help jump start your business, just by handing out catalogs.  SO, let’s do the math. $74 for $303 worth of product! 


So, if you are looking just to get the discount on our product for your own personal use, looking to sell a little to your friends for some extra spending money, or if you’re looking to build a business, Pink Zebra IS the right choice for you!!

Kenan and I will be here to help you every step of the way.  So no worries about joining and being left out in the wind as just “another” recruit under our belts.  We are active in our team and are always here to help!


Click on the picture below to view my website and join my team!!!!

Become a Zebra Today!

Become a Zebra Today!



Thank you SO much for your time! And to my team, I adore each and everyone of y’all! Thank you all so much for helping us make our dreams come true and honoring my mother’s memory!  Blessings to you all!


New Enrollment Special for Mother’s Day – Pink Zebra

New Enrollment Special for Mother's Day - Pink Zebra

Springtime at the Farm! Meet our New Horse!

The month of April has brought new beginnings to our life.  There is something about Spring that has always helped me out of the winter blues, so to speak.  More time outside with family and friends, sunshine to soak up, and time to just lay down outside and surrender all to God.  The land is turning greener by the day!

This Spring has been extra special for us.  We have a few new additions to our family.  As I have posted before, we had to put our Welsh Pony down last month.  That was difficult.   I had a bit of what you would call “empty nest” or “empty stall” in my case.  Kenan blessed me with a new horse!

Meet Sky –

Sky Paint Horse



Sky is an 11 year old Paint mare.  She is beautiful, full of energy, and has a personality that is just amazing!  Of course she’s a mare so she tends to be a little “moody” at times.  But what female isn’t! LOL! I know I have my moments. Shocker right?!  She has made such a huge impact on our family in such a short time. 


The children and I have spent hours looking at her markings.  We think Paint horses are like clouds.  You always see something different every time you look at them.   It’s been a nice escape from reality on stressful days. 

Paint Mare

She’s been very fun to ride.  She’s had a little attitude from time to time. She’s trying to see just how far she can push me.   Establishing dominance and trust with her has been very easy.  

Sky and myself on an afternoon ride. My view!

Horse ViewThe best seat in the world! In my opinioI prefer riding bitless.  She’s taken a snaffle bit well but for just trotting around the land and down the road, her halter is all I need.  She’s a good girl.

The kids are in love with her!  We’ve taken it slow letting them ride since everything is still new to her.  But here’s a couple pics of my babies on her.  She’s done amazing!

This is Ethan and Allison riding together.  As you can tell by the look on their faces, I think it’s safe to say they’re enjoying her.

Kids on horse WP_20140404_19_21_03_Pro WP_20140404_19_24_41_Pro



 Hailee is still a little nervous on her.  So we are taking it slow and retraining Hailee how to ride.  She was thrown off our gelding a couple years ago. But Hailee always gets back up! Proud of her!

And just like any child (horse) as soon as she gets a bath…

Horse Rolling


  We’re also expanding our flock of chickens!!!

Baby Chicks



 I know, you just said… awww!

I also have a shipment of Australorps coming in tomorrow!  I had to order them from a hatchery.  Australorps are amazing egg producers. Can you say, YUM!?


We currently have 2 roosters.  Our big Production Red’s name is Cujo. We also have a little Bantam rooster named, Ferb.  Ferb thinks he’s in charge but every now and then Cujo puts him in his place, or visa versa.  My oldest daughter snapped a picture of the “chicken dance”.



I hope Spring has brought many new beginnings to you and yours.  I’d love to hear from you!


God Bless,



What’s New in April with Pink Zebra?

April is one of my favorite months! Spring brings new growth, new beginnings, wildflowers, and more time outdoors.  I love it! 

Pink Zebra has also come out with some amazing new specials and scents for the month of April.  Paisley’s Pick for April is Mountain Spring! I am so excited about this scent.  It just sounds amazing. I love outdoor fresh scents. 


February and March’s Picks are still available as well.


Seaside Lantern Host Exclusive!!!!  I can’t wait to earn this baby!


Check out our awesome enrollment special!!! The Cathedral Lantern Shade is one of my favorites.  I use it in my house all the time.



I am also happy to announce that I earned my Ipad 4 or Dell Tablet!! I absolutely LOVE this company! 



To book a party, learn more about our products, or to join one of the fastest growing, life changing companies, contact me!
