Tomorrow, Tomorrow! It’s Only a Day Away!

Can you believe that we are almost in October? This year is flying by!

Tomorrow is your last chance to take advantage of Pink Zebra’s sign up special! Only 3 years old and we are almost at 20,000 Consultants! WOOHOO!  You can view how many Consultants are in your area here.  Simply enter your zip code!

Pink Zebra Enrollment Kit

You can click on the picture above to join me team.

Kenan and I have made a huge jump this month.  It’s very exciting to see how much it is growing. Our fearless Founder’s Tom and Kelly Gaines explained to us the growth rate.  Until you see it happening it kind of seems like a dream.  Then this Fall our numbers and team started growing.  We are very close to hitting our 100th team member!  That was our goal by the end of December!  We are in shock and awe of God.

So for those first time viewers or those who have heard of Pink Zebra but have never really understood what it is.. Here is the definition straight from our VP’s mouth.

What Is Pink Zebra

I love the way Colby defines it here. Simple and straight to the point.  Our soy wax sprinkles are the size of pellets.  Buy two jars of sprinkles, you have 3 scents.  Since they are so tiny they are easy to mix fragrances. 1tbs is the normal serving size. You get 10-12 tbs out of one 3.75oz. jar of sprinkles.  Each tbs last approx. 40 hours. That’s about 400 hours of fragrance all for $8. Yeah, it’s SO worth it. 

You can also become a mad scientist like me and mix scents.  It’s what I do for fun. 

Pink Zebra Recipes Mixed

As a Consultant, I can purchase empty jars from Pink Zebra. $4.80 will get you a 6 pack.  I then use those to let my creative juices flow.  I only sell and mix tried and true recipes.  Anything new I come up with, I burn first.  I don’t want to sell a jar of Sprinkles that looks amazing, even smells good in the jar, but then once you throw a little in your warmer it smells like cold pizza. Gag! 

What about our warmers?

Pink Zebra how to

Pink Zebra offers a full line of Simmering Lights (Shown above). These allow you to light your house all while burning your favorite scent. I have one of these in each bedroom.  They work fantastic as a nightlight and add to the decor of my kiddos room.  The boys have an orange base in their room with the Modern Lantern Shade over it. Their room is in camo so the orange looks good.  The girls have purple in their room.  They switch out their shades all the time. So if I told you which one was in there right now, I’d be lying. They are all getting starter kits for their 18th birthday so they can leave my PZ alone! hehe!

We also offer Simmer Pots which do not take a light bulb! These are great space savers! You can view our entire catalog here.

Don’t overlook our reed diffusers!  We are in the process of selling our RV right now.  It smells like apples!  I didn’t want potential buyers walking into a musky smelling space. Now it smells like an orchard. Ahhh! 

Pink Zebra RV home fragrance

Reed Diffusers are also great in the work place!

Air Freshener Pink Zebra

These are great sellers and look great in any room! 

I hope this answered some of your questions about what Pink Zebra is and how our products can meet your needs. I could go on and on. But I’ll leave you with some words of wisdom.

Thank you for stopping by. Kenan and I appreciate all that you do for us. Your support is amazing.  We are truly blessed beyond measure.

Dare to Be brave Pink Zebra

Happiness - Pink Zebra

You can visit us online at! 


Kenan and Emily

AAU Basketball Fundraiser, Pink Zebra Style!

       I’m very blessed and excited to be a part of this fundraiser.   These young women have worked their butts off over the summer!  Please show your support to the girls AAU Basketball team, The Clovers!  We are less than $300 away from our goal!

For those pear and apple lovers out there: Anjou Pear and Red Delicious Apple are still available through our fundraisers!! Great time to stock up and help some young ladies out.  

40% of each item sold goes directly to the AAU Basketball team, The Clovers, located in Victoria, TX. Your support would mean so much to us!

fundraiser Pink Zebra Fundraiser1 Fundraiser2

Email me at to order. I will invoice via PayPal.  You can also visit our Facebook group here.

Thank you so much to those who have already ordered, shared, or prayed for this group of young ladies!

Be Warm and Well Fed,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

The Role of a Leader in Business and Life.

leadership Pink Zebra

Leadership. When I first started with Pink Zebra I didn’t plan on becoming a leader.  Apparently God had other plans for me. As our team grows more and more each day, I realize that a leader is exactly what God has called me to be. Our team is close to hitting the 100 business partner mark!   There are some days when I think God made a mistake. I feel like Moses and the burning bush (on a much smaller scale of course).  Me? Really?  I’m an introvert by nature. I am just fine staying to myself and living my quiet little life. Good thing God is in control and not me!!

Over the past year I have slowly stepped further and further away from my comfort zone of the introvert. It has been painful at times but more rewarding than I can describe.  Hearing the words, “You inspire me!” or “I’m not giving up because of you.” hits a special place deep down in my spirit. 

 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,  not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)

This can be a very difficult task.  We are by nature selfish creatures. We want to be #1, we want what we want.  Being a leader only works when you heed the words of Paul. Do nothing out of selfish ambition.  It is ok to want to succeed.  There is NOTHING wrong with being successful! Becoming a leader means having to put others ahead of you. 

 When I have a new team member enroll under me, my success is based on their success.  The better leader I am, the better my team flourishes.  The more I put others before myself and throw off selfish ambition, the more rewarding life becomes.  Not just financially, don’t get this confused with just making more money from a great team, that is a bonus.  The doing of God’s Word is what makes it joyous.  We are called to be doers and not just hearers of the Word. Leadership is an action roll. We cannot be leaders without being doers.  If you have ONE person on your team, you ARE a leader. Title or not!  How you treat your team, children, friends, etc. is going to reflect.  Sometimes that is not a mirror you want to look into, especially if you are living your life for your own selfish ambitions.

I urge you today, no matter what Direct Sales company you are with, no matter what line of work you do, no matter if you have 1 child or 10, be a leader.  KNOW where you are going! Rebuke negative behavior and praise accomplishments, no matter how small.  If your 5 year old son picks up 4 out of 823 legos on the floor, praise for those 4!! Don’t focus on the 823 he missed. Start building others up and see if that child isn’t eager to pick up those other legos.  Positive breeds positive!!

I leave you today with a few quotes. John Maxwell is a great leader who Pink Zebra’s VP of sales quotes to us. Very inspiring. 

leadership-quotes-john maxwell Pink Zebra

God gives us the ability to empower others!! 

Pink Zebra Strong

Pink Zebra Leadership

Many Blessings to you!

Be Warm and Well Fed,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Husband and Wife Team

Pink Zebra Independent Consultants

Visit us online

The Brink of Destruction…

Yesterday #80 enrolled on our Pink Zebra team. I am having to wipe back tears of joy as I type this.  Our goals and dreams are slowly coming true. Kenan and I are learning so much through the journey.  It has not been easy but it sure is worth it. When I think that just 19 months ago my life changed forever.  My mother let out her last breath and her spirit went to the Lord, not only did I collapse physically, I collapsed on the inside far worse. Only God knows how bad it was.

I was on the brink of destruction. I would walk out into the woods surrounding our home and weep, cry, beg, plead, and sometimes scream at God.  The pain inside was to heavy to bear. I needed Him. He was the only one who could help. God used my husband, family, and friends to comfort me. Only God could start healing my pain, the hidden pain no one else could see. I remember one time laying under a beautiful oak tree. Nice blue sky. Early Spring. My prayer started with, “Oh God, what do I do? I’m lost. I NEED my mom. I can’t make it without her in this life. I need to see her one more time. I need to hear her voice just once more. I don’t know what I am supposed to do now. I never imagined life without my mother in it. God take me and use me. I am broken, show me your Will and take this pain!”  It was a hard season in my life and the life of my family. It was one of my defining moments in this life.  The images of my mother’s body kept replaying in my head. The images on placing her urn into the soil on top of my father’s grave and throwing the first pile of dirt on what remained of my parents.  My mother was reduced to a pretty vase. My father, 6 feet below her. I had nightmares for months and months.  Same theme different setting. It was always the funeral.  Always trying to make the arrangements.  I longed to see my mother again in my dreams if only for a little while but I still have yet to see her.  Just the images of after she died.  I have had a hard life. I have faced trials of many kinds that most people probably wouldn’t believe if I told them.  Losing her was the worst pain I have ever felt and still feel to this day.

God has graciously picked me up, dusted me off, and bandaged me back together through His Word and His children.

When Pink Zebra came along, through lots of prayer, Kenan and I knew that this was God’s Will for our family. The many months of crying in God’s arms about what do I do now were answered.  His answer was a simple one. God has a way of doing that.  Taking our most complicated, messiest, most desperate situations and giving us a simple solution. What’s funny is He knew the answer before I was ever born.  Before the world began He knew I would be down on my knees in pain with the worst broken mess I had ever been.  His answer to my pleading?

“Trust Me.”

I have always loved music. I heal through music. I can relate to so many different lyrics to so many different songs. Planning the music line up for my mother’s funeral was a challenge for me. Too many songs, not enough time. I wanted every person in that room to feel the passion and pain in each song. There is one song that stands out after my mother passed away. I put this song on repeat and cried like a baby over and over. Check out “Need You Now” by Plumb. These were my desperate pleas with God.

Sunday will be my mother’s birthday.  It feels weird not planning a celebration, picking out a gift, and the perfect card. She loved her birthdays and loved to be showered with attention and gifts. So, my gift to you is this blog post for my mother’s birthday.  I hope and pray that whatever you are going through, whatever your darkness is, something in this post will give you a glimmer of hope. A spark of purpose. A feeling of knowing, you are not alone.  You’re never alone.

I have been blessed with the gift of pain. The gift of caring more deeply and loving more intensely than I ever did before. This gift of pain I bear has helped me to help others. To encourage others, cry with others, and praise with others.  This my friends is biblical. This is God’s Will for us in Christ Jesus.  He answers our prayers always.  His Will for my life is using my pain. The path He chooses to work out those details is always different.  Who would have thought He would be using Pink Zebra to bring people into my life for me to cry with and love on? I never would have guessed it. His ways our higher than our ways.  God can and will bless you in your pain. Cry out to Him!

God is bringing our craziest dreams into reality. We see His hand in our daily lives and feel so unworthy.  Who would have thought those trivial prayers I have prayed would become something that He is doing in our lives. Greater than ever expected. Who would have thought that our dreams and passion could align with God’s Will for our lives. Hmm.  He never ceases to amaze me. He alone brought me back from the brink of destruction.

If you are hurting today, take the time to cry out to Jesus. He will hear you. You are not alone. Things will happen and mountains will move. Stay faithful, TRUST HIM!

Prayer Gods Timing

God Bless,

Emily Dibrell

Visit me online at

Last Day for 30% off Select Pink Zebra Items!

Hello All, I’ve been down and out the past couple weeks.  I had a miserable toothache, a week later I had it extracted, and still a week later I am battling a dry socket.  BUT working from home does have it’s perks.  I think I should get frequent flyer miles from the dentist’s office. HAHA!

Well, I’m posting this a little late and I apologize for that.  Pink Zebra’s official 3rd Birthday was on September 7th. They have a pretty impressive line up of shades and Simmering Lights on sale! Woot!

Pink Zebra 3 day sale

pink zebra home


September 9th (today) is the last day for the 30% off sale on select products. September 30th is your last chance to take advantage of such an amazing sign up special!! This is the best sign up special to date!!  Now’s the time to jump in and change your life!


I’m back to bed now to rest.  If you have any questions, please contact us!

God Bless,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Visit us at

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Remember to send in your free sample request on our website!

Pink Zebra Beginner Basics! ZebraNet and Placing Orders!

Hello to our new team members first and foremost! We are excited to have you! Our team has hit the 77 mark! Can’t wait to see who else God brings to our amazing team!

Today I want to touch on a few quick tips for our new Consultants. 

Logging into your online “back office”.  You would be surprised how many Consultants do not know how to do this basic step. This is very important for ordering, learning vital information from the company, etc. Our company calls this ZebraNet. Go to and BOOKMARK this page. Add it to your home screen. Keep it somewhere you can easily find it. The more you grow your business, the more you will use this website. Scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on “Consultant Login”. A page will pop up for you to enter your Consultant ID# and password.  In the confirmation email you received when you signed up, your password and ID# will be in there.  Look through your emails from Pink Zebra Home and I’m sure you will find your welcome email. IF you cannot find it, you can call home office, the number is at the bottom of the pinkzebrahome website.

Placing your first order – There are two ways to place an order. As a customer or as a Consultant. 

Both will be found in ZebraNet under the shopping tab. 

Consultant Order – This one is pretty self explanatory as you go through the steps. Add your items to the cart. Go all the way to check out. Here is where you can either leave the order and save it for later OR you can choose to complete your order.  Hit the payment option beside the order.  You will be charged wholesale pricing (25% off retail) on ALL consultant orders. 🙂 This will count towards your sales volume at Retail price.

If you are placing a large order either from a collection of customer orders or stock orders, I recommend doing a PARTY ORDER. To count as a party your order must be a total of $150 in Retail Pricing.  Go under shopping and create a party order. You can be the host as many times as you would like on Party Orders. I have heard that other Direct Sales companies limit you.  This is not the case with Pink Zebra. There is also no time limit with our parties. Create yourself as a host. When entering your first customer order under this party, you may also register a customer as a future host by checking the box.  IF you have several orders all shipping to you, group them all under one customer. This will save on shipping!! Follow the steps from here on out. When you are done with this party you may close out the customer orders by choosing to pay with party cash as a method. This will allow you to keep your commissions and pay at wholesale pricing in the final step.  Next you are going to proceed to host rewards. Depending on your party total (before tax and shipping) you can earn a ton of free and half priced items.  Your free items can be anything in the catalog. There is no price cap! NOTE: You will be charged tax and shipping of retail price on the host items. (This covers our you know whats with Uncle Sam)

After you have entered your host order you are going to proceed to step 5, finalize the party. YOU MUST FINALIZE THE PARTY in order for it to close, ship, and count towards sales volume.  This is the part where you can pay with your credit card at your wholesale pricing. 

BAM!!! You are done and have entered your customer or stock order all while keeping your commission or saving money on wholesale pricing. 

Those are my basic steps for y’all today. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at

I hope I explained this clearly for y’all. In ZebraNet under Resources, please get familiar with all the training and information in there.  Please don’t overlook this. 90% of the questions you may have about your business are covered in the Resources tab. 🙂

God Bless you all,

Be Warm and Well Fed,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Visit us online at

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Pink Zebra Goes Jamaica! Incentive Trip for 2015!

One of my motivational factors this Holiday season is our incentive trip to Jamaica.  Come April a bunch of us Zebras will be spending 5 days and 4 nights in the Caribbean! That is an all expense paid trip and the resort we are headed to is all inclusive!!!  

Our destination was announced to us at Reunion in July by our winners from last years trip.  I was a couple thousand points shy of the trip to Punta Canta, Hard Rock last year.  I did however earn my iPad Air! I would be lost without my iPad. A big thank you to Pink Zebra for awarding us hard workers!

So back to Jamaica, we are headed to the beautiful Beaches, Negril. You can drool here. Scuba diving anyone? I am Open Water Certified so I’m really looking forward to hitting the water! I’ve been stalking the website and found horseback riding too.  Hello!! This Texas girl loves her horse and I’ve always wanted to ride on the beach! I almost got to ride on the beach when I was a pre-teen with my brother, Steve. It didn’t end well for either of us.  I’ll have to share that story at a later time, maybe. It was bad. 

So ok, enough babbling.  How do you earn an all expense paid tropical vacation? For starters, you have to be a Pink Zebra Independent Consultant first, if you are thinking of signing up, the sooner the better.  If you are already a Consultant check out the flyers below!

jamaica Pink Zebra

jamaica Pink Zebra Points

As you can see there are 4 main ways to earn points! 

Selling – Your Sales Volume starting from July 1st and ending February 28th all counts as 1 point.  So if you sell $6000 between July and February, BAM, 6,000 points!  This goes off of your Retail Sales Volume, not your Wholesale Consultant Pricing.  If you sell 1,000 each month from 7/14-2/15 you will earn an extra 3,500 points.

Sponsoring – For every Consultant you personally enroll, who hits their Quick Start 1 ($500 Retail Sales in their first 30 days) you earn 1,000 points for each person!  If you enroll 8 or more who hit their QS1, you are looking at an extra bonus of 3,500!  

Promoting – When your OR someone you’ve personally enrolled promotes to Executive Consultant or higher, you get 500 points! If YOU promote to Manager or higher you get an additional 1,000 points!

Leadership – This is a new one this year.  If you are a Manager or higher, you will get an extra 500 points each month for maintaining your Paid as Title.  Pink Zebra never takes away your title once you achieve it BUT you can get paid lower than your title. This is a little extra motivation for us leaders to keep our teams going and eye on the prize!

18,000 points lands you an iPad like I won last year.

24,000 points lands you an all expense paid trip to Jamaica

35,000 points lands you an all expense paid trip for you AND a guest to Jamaica!

I don’t know about you but I can already feel my toes in the sand.

You are either going to do it, or you are going to try. There is no middle ground as far a I am concerned. 

Beaches Negril Jamaica Pink Zebra

destinations-resort-map beaches negril Pink Zebra Jamaica

Beaches Negril Rooms Pink Zebra Jamaica

See you there!

Be Warm and Well Fed – God Bless,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Visit us online at

Follow us on Faceboook!


Pink Zebra Party – What Do I Say?

So you’ve joined Pink Zebra, you’ve scheduled your launch party, you have friends and family coming over, what do you say? Let me share my experience first with you.  

My first party was at my house and since we were living in RVs we had to take the party outside. I expected a lot of people to show up.  We went all out with zebra print table covers, decorations, and Kenan BBQ’d for a small army.  To my surprise only 5 people showed up. Of course, I was a little bummed. I figured everyone I invited should have dropped everything and headed to my party. This is not reality, so if only 2 or 12 people show up to your party, that’s plenty! Don’t freak out. OK? I freaked out enough that time for all of us. I promise it will be ok. 

So presentation – I must have rearranged my table 16 times. I had my starter kit and a carton of Sprinkles to showcase. I’ll have to dig through my pictures and see if I can’t find some. Since I did not have an active sponsor I had no one to call either. Thank God for Kenan. He finally told me. SIT DOWN! IT’S FINE!  He was right. A full blown anxiety attack wouldn’t do anyone any good. Although my Aunt was coming who was a nurse, just in case I fainted during my presentation. Kenan found no humor in this.. Men…

freak-out Pink Zebra style

.The guests arrived and everyone was saying how cute it looked and what a great job I did. My mind was arguing with them and again my husband leaned over to me and said, “Take a compliment!”  This is why Kenan is referred to as “my voice of reason”. 

OK… So now is the moment of truth. Everyone has their drinks, snack, and has their full attention on me. I’m feeling faint and lightheaded. Are the trees swaying or is that me?

I’m thankful no one kept count of the times I said umm in my presentation.  

“Hello all and thank you for coming, umm, my name is Emily as you all know, umm.

Yeah, that bad. SO please feel better if you are an “ummer” when you speak publicly. I overcame it, umm, for the most part! Lol!

Now onto serious business…

1) Thank everyone for coming! Everyone is busy and they took time out of their schedule for you! Your guests deserve a special thank you for that. Make sure they know before they leave just how much you appreciate them coming!

2) Why did you join Pink Zebra? Your friends and family are going to want to know what made you decided to join this company. Share any goals. For example. “I joined Pink Zebra because I adore the products, wanted to save money on my home fragrance, and I also would like to make enough to help with bills each month.  Pink Zebra allows me to keep my commissions up front so this is going to benefit our family so much!”

OR your why may be a little more emotional. “I joined Pink Zebra after the death of my mom and was looking for a way to honor her memory. I have dedicated my business to her. It’s a fantastic company that lets me involve my children and meet other women who are suffering. Together we are changing lives.”

3) Company Background –  You do not have to know every detail of Pink Zebra’s background. The facts are in your catalog or backoffice.  Use Tom and Kelly’s first names as our founders. Explain that they have over 20 years in the candle company business.  Their goal is to take high quality products straight to the consumer while changing consultants lives through the process. All consumable products are made in the USA. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on our products! We will replace them if you are not fully satisfied. You don’t have to say much here, but you need to touch base on WHO Pink Zebra IS.

4) Product Info – I know all of you zebras out there have studied the catalog like I did, right? If not this is your homework assignment! Know the product and know it well. What are our Sprinkles made from? Are they eco-friendly?  When you start presenting the products to your guests, I like to start with our reed diffusers and soaps and lotions. A lot of times these get overlooked because once the Sprinkles come out..your guest tend to tune you out a bit. Next I show them the jars and cartons of Sprinkles. You can pass these around just like the soaps and lotions. Do NOT pass around testers. Just jars and cartons to let them see the sizes.  Then focus on Simmer Pots, Glimmer Candles, and lastly our Simmering Lights which a lot of people do not understand the concept. Take a few minutes explaining the versatility of our shades. Show them that many shades can be used with our Glimmer Candles, as well as our Simmering Lights . Our shades make for beautiful home decor that can stay out all year round!  Now it’s time to pass the sprinkles around. I use silver trays I picked up at our local Dollar Tree.  Put a # on the trays and make your guest aware of the numbers. This way all guest will know if they have had the chance to smell all of the scents.  A print out of all the scents should be given to the guest prior to the Sprinkles being passed so they can check what they like or what they don’t really care for. Everyone is different when it comes to scents.  This is also a great time to pass out a catalog and order form to each guest. While the guests are smelling the Sprinkles, this is a great time for you to sit one on one with each and make your rounds. Suggest your favorites and what you suggest for them based on their specific fragrance requests.  “Hello Suzy, thanks again for coming! What kind of scents do you usually prefer in your home, floral, clean scents, etc?”  Based on their answer, direct them to the page in the catalog with all of our scents listed and tell them to watch for these scents as they pass by. Do this with every guest!  

Do not forget about our Paisley’s Pick! Paisley’s Pumpkin Amber was our #1 seller in a Jar for August. Have these flyers printed a head of time at Office Depot or the UPS Store for a more professional look.

5) Games – These can be as simple or complex as you prefer. I like to take each guest’s name and drop it in a hat/box etc. Then at the end I draw a name and announce the winner. (When there is a good attendance.) This is usually a bigger gift than when I play my other games. I could go on and on about games to play. Visit Party Plan Games here to view a variety of games.  I always give away product at my parties.  I didn’t at my first and now I regret that, but it is what it is. It’s a learning experience. Give a jar of Sprinkles, a candle, a gift certificate for free shipping, etc. Get creative!

6) The close – Here you are again going to thank everyone for coming. Before you take their orders remind them of how their purchases are going to help you get your business off the ground and every little bit helps. Offer a prize for anyone who books a party with you.  This can be as simple as saying, “I’m so thankful for all of you coming and helping me get my feet wet with Pink Zebra. If you could help me out I would love for you to host a party for me so I could get some more practice. It will be a fun evening for your friends! Could you help me out?”  If the answer is no, then your next questions should be, “Who do you know that…..”  …would like to see the product? …is looking for a fundraiser?  …loves doing home parties? …would like to make some extra income? etc. They may say no but ask for referrals!

Take their orders after you have said this and thank each one again for coming. Congratulate them if they won a prize. BE EXCITED! BE POSITIVE! Your energy is contagious! Everyone asks me what my “secret” is.  Attitude is 95% of doing business!!


I hope this blog post helps you out and gives you a guideline of what to do at your party. For those of you with Pink Zebra, there are a ton of resources in our ZebraNet. Read them, love them, USE them!!  Don’t try to reinvent the wheel! 

Kenan and I have done many parties and all were successful. Your idea of success may vary from ours. If we get to show one new person our product, it’s a success.  Your outlook on your business will determine if you soar or sink! Let’s soar together!


God Bless – Stay Warm and Well Fed,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Visit us online at

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