Pink Zebra Goes Jamaica! Incentive Trip for 2015!

One of my motivational factors this Holiday season is our incentive trip to Jamaica.  Come April a bunch of us Zebras will be spending 5 days and 4 nights in the Caribbean! That is an all expense paid trip and the resort we are headed to is all inclusive!!!  

Our destination was announced to us at Reunion in July by our winners from last years trip.  I was a couple thousand points shy of the trip to Punta Canta, Hard Rock last year.  I did however earn my iPad Air! I would be lost without my iPad. A big thank you to Pink Zebra for awarding us hard workers!

So back to Jamaica, we are headed to the beautiful Beaches, Negril. You can drool here. Scuba diving anyone? I am Open Water Certified so I’m really looking forward to hitting the water! I’ve been stalking the website and found horseback riding too.  Hello!! This Texas girl loves her horse and I’ve always wanted to ride on the beach! I almost got to ride on the beach when I was a pre-teen with my brother, Steve. It didn’t end well for either of us.  I’ll have to share that story at a later time, maybe. It was bad. 

So ok, enough babbling.  How do you earn an all expense paid tropical vacation? For starters, you have to be a Pink Zebra Independent Consultant first, if you are thinking of signing up, the sooner the better.  If you are already a Consultant check out the flyers below!

jamaica Pink Zebra

jamaica Pink Zebra Points

As you can see there are 4 main ways to earn points! 

Selling – Your Sales Volume starting from July 1st and ending February 28th all counts as 1 point.  So if you sell $6000 between July and February, BAM, 6,000 points!  This goes off of your Retail Sales Volume, not your Wholesale Consultant Pricing.  If you sell 1,000 each month from 7/14-2/15 you will earn an extra 3,500 points.

Sponsoring – For every Consultant you personally enroll, who hits their Quick Start 1 ($500 Retail Sales in their first 30 days) you earn 1,000 points for each person!  If you enroll 8 or more who hit their QS1, you are looking at an extra bonus of 3,500!  

Promoting – When your OR someone you’ve personally enrolled promotes to Executive Consultant or higher, you get 500 points! If YOU promote to Manager or higher you get an additional 1,000 points!

Leadership – This is a new one this year.  If you are a Manager or higher, you will get an extra 500 points each month for maintaining your Paid as Title.  Pink Zebra never takes away your title once you achieve it BUT you can get paid lower than your title. This is a little extra motivation for us leaders to keep our teams going and eye on the prize!

18,000 points lands you an iPad like I won last year.

24,000 points lands you an all expense paid trip to Jamaica

35,000 points lands you an all expense paid trip for you AND a guest to Jamaica!

I don’t know about you but I can already feel my toes in the sand.

You are either going to do it, or you are going to try. There is no middle ground as far a I am concerned. 

Beaches Negril Jamaica Pink Zebra

destinations-resort-map beaches negril Pink Zebra Jamaica

Beaches Negril Rooms Pink Zebra Jamaica

See you there!

Be Warm and Well Fed – God Bless,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

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About Sprinkles of Faith

I am wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I have 5 kids who are amazing. I enjoy home schooling, gardening, and living my simple farm life. My mother went home to be with Jesus in 2013. Through pain and heartache my husband and I started on a new adventure that is changing our lives, Pink Zebra. Kenan and I love working for such a great company and meeting so many new people. We have built lasting friendships, gained self confidence, and earned income all while HAVING FUN!! Sprinkles of Faith is dedicated in loving memory of my mother. Check out my website to learn more about Pink Zebra. "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23

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