Pink Zebra – Change Your Fragrance, Change Lives!

Change is a good thing! Be a part of an amazing story!

Pink Zebra Custom Products

Heroes Charity Pink Zebra

Pink Zebra Benefits

Pink Zebra No Limits

Pink Zebra Ground Floor

Pink Zebra Exceptional Income

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Click the picture to join our team!


Kenan and Emily Dibrell

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Do Something!

Matthew West Do Something

One of my favorite songs that really gets me going and upbeat is Matthew West’s “Do Something”  You can watch the video here.

James 2:26 tells us that our faith without works is dead! 

What good is it my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but no good deeds?  Suppose a brother or sister comes to without clothes and daily food. If one of you says, “Go in peace, keep warm and well fed, but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?  In the same way faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is DEAD!

I’m borrowing some experts from my favorite author, Max Lucado. 

Faith is no the belief that God will do what YOU what. Faith is the belief that God will do what is RIGHT!  God is always near and always available, just waiting for your touch.  So let Him know.  Demonstrate your devotion!! 

You could:

Write a letter – Is there a friend or relative you haven’t spoken to in a while? Write them and encourage them. Remind them that you care. Just letting someone know you care can be more valuable than you we can comprehend.  

What about a thank you note?  Did someone do something nice for you? Thank them! 

Every good and perfect things comes from God.

Ask Forgiveness – This is where we sometimes need to put our big kid panties on and say I’m sorry.  Admitting we are wrong is something that we do not like to do.  Admitting our faults and sins is a sign of maturity.  God will be there to help you swallow your pride, just ask!

Be Baptized – What an amazing way to show the world the new person you have become.  Our baptism is an outward expression of an inward change.  Commit yourself to the Lord.

Feed the hungry – What do you think when you see a homeless person on the side of the road?  Next time you see one, stop and recognize your thoughts.  Are you helping that person or are you being judgmental?  God tells us over and over again to take care of the needy.  Recently Hailee and I went to the food bank to volunteer at the local foodbank.  The need there humbled us.  The acts of service being performed there was Faith in action. Preparing food for the elderly and needy left us feeling even more grateful for the full belly that we always go to bed with.

Pray! – Prayer is just talking to God. The bible tells us to pray without ceasing.  Prayer is an act of faith.  Speak to God! He loves you! He created you to do good works for His glory!  He is always there to listen and answers our prayers. Yes, no, or not right now.  

Teach- We as homeschoolers have this advantage. But what about at church?  Think about it, who is the last person you taught about the love of Christ and how He died for our sins?  Have you told someone how much God loves them?

Serve One another

Go! Go to a nursing home!

Go! Help your neighbor unload groceries!

Go! Adopt a child 

Go! Go love, go feed the poor, go pray with a friend, go visit someone in the hospital! GO!

Go show your faith to the world by your deeds!  DO SOMETHING!

For faith without effort is not faith at all. God will respond. He has never neglected a genuine gesture of faith, never!

Experts from Max Lucado*

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Stay warm and well fed,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Headed to the Top!

It’s one thing to work hard and have a hard working team.  It’s a completely different feeling when you start seeing that success in writing!  Pink Zebra is amazing at recognizing hard work and always giving us reasons to work harder.  God has blessed our business so much.  Last night on our company webinar and in our newsletter, the fruits of our labor were recognized.  For 14 months I have dreamed and prayed about being in the TOP 50 for Team Volume! Well, thanks be to God, another milestone in our business was reached.  We made the list!!!  

Top Team Volume Pink Zebra

Top Team Pink Zebra

A huge shout out to Desiree! She’s rocking her Pink Zebra business.  She made the list twice! Once for promoting and again for new business partners!!  I just love every single team member and all of their hard work and dedication.  Congrats to Desiree and my whole team for making these Top Rock Star pages!! So exciting!

Pink Zebra Executive Consultants Promotion

Top Sponsors

I cannot wait to see what else God has in store for this business!! BIG HUGE EXCITING things are coming to Pink Zebra in 2015!! I will share in a later post but it just keeps getting better and better!!

We have an amazing special going on this month with our starter kits. Join our team!! We would love to have you!!! 

Click the picture to join our team!

Click the picture to join our team!

Stay Warm and Well Fed!


Emily and Kenan Dibrell

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Commit to the Lord

God is Good! Pink Zebra Events!!

       These past couple of weeks have been insane but so amazing!! The first weekend in October was the 4th annual Bootfest and it was an all out hit! Our booth was filled with customers the whole time. So many repeat customers and rave reviews about how amazing Pink Zebra’s products are.  I love meeting new Sprinkle addicts!!  At the end of our closing night we were all treated to one of the best fireworks shows I have seen!  My children had a blast and just kept telling me how much they love our job! 

Here are a few pics from Bootfest!! 

Pink Zebra Set Up!

Pink Zebra Sprinkles lotions

Pink Zebra Christmas Set Up

The second weekend in October was the 42nd annual Turkey Fest! Turkey Fest came complete with a full blown carnival and an amazing Texas country line up of musical performances!  While taking shifts at our booth, I was able to take my kids to the carnival and have some special alone time with each of them.  Our 8 year old just kept reminding me how much she loves Pink Zebra and she’s waiting for the day she turns 18 to sign up!  Of course we are all a little tired after spending 5 out of 10 days working our Pink Zebra business from sun up to past sun down.  The rewards reaped, the family time, the fellowship with others… We would all do it again in a heartbeat!  Kenan is SO looking forward to the chance to retire early.  Words cannot express how much we enjoy our time together as husband and wife working as a team.  The fact that the kids are so involved is just an added bonus!!

Here’s a few pics from Turkey Fest!

Me, Turkey Man, Dana, and Adrienne!  Too much fun!

Me, Turkey Man, Dana, and Adrienne! Too much fun!

We fought bad weather all weekend!

We fought bad weather all weekend!

Our youngest son! Watch out!

Our youngest son! Watch out!

Our youngest daughter having a blast!

Our youngest daughter having a blast!

So what are you waiting for? Try some Pink Zebra Sprinkles, Host a party, or Join our team!! You will be happy you did!!!

Click the picture to join our team!

Click the picture to join our team!


Kenan and Emily Dibrell

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Changing Lives – Autumn Blessings!

Sprinkles! Who would have thought?

Soy wax Sprinkles that you melt in a warmer or make your own candle with…. it’s changing our lives!

What an exciting month October is already turning out to be.  Our team is on track to break last month’s record! Our team has been blessed beyond words. It’s all I can do to keep from crying as I type this.  We have come such a long way in just a years time! What other type of business can you do that in?  Kenan and I will always be a part of Direct Sales unless the good Lord leads us elsewhere.  We are so excited to see the numbers growing, lives changing, dreams coming true. It all seems so surreal!  Every day we are one step closer to our goal of retiring Kenan from his full time job.  The kids and I love having Dad home and what a blessing it will be when he can spend more time with us.  That is the important stuff in life.  Family time is priceless. After my mom’s death this became all the more real to me. Life is short, enjoy it.  The material items are not going to matter when God calls you home.  The relationships and lives changed is what will last forever.  I cling to the memories of my mother and am continuing the legacy she left behind.  God has surely answered this prayer for our family.

We are working on my next promotion which will be a huge step towards that retirement Kenan and I are looking for.  The numbers and team members are looking amazing.  I know the timing is in God’s hands but I can’t help but go a little O.C.D. on the situation.  It’s such an exciting, emotional roller coaster.  For me it’s like your favorite team made it to the Super Bowl and your at half time.  Everything is looking good but you know that your team cannot win unless they are all working together.  Each new promotion my team members make is like a touchdown! I want to bust out the Super Bowl winning shirts already!! I might be on the brink on insanity by the end of the fourth quarter!

Crap, here come the tears.  I wish I could let each one of you feel the excitement and passion that Pink Zebra has brought to our lives and the lives of so many others.  We are growing fast and lives are changing everyday.  Single moms are getting help with daycare.  Depression stricken men and women are getting out of their comfort zone and finding hope.  God is using Pink Zebra to grow so many of us and touch lives. Pink Zebra has given so many of us dealing with grief an avenue for us to direct our emotions.  We have taken that hurt, hopelessness, pain and used it to help others cope with unspeakable losses.

My mother was my best friend. Losing my dad at age 5 was difficult so I clung to her. I was that kid that didn’t go spend the night at friend’s houses for fear of something bad happening to my mom while I was gone.  That nightmare continued until the day she died, then that nightmare became a reality.  I know where she is. I know I will see her again.  It’s the time in between that hurts the most.  Those times when you pick up the phone to call to share some exciting news and realize she’s dead.  That’s when the feeling of grief overwhelms you.  The feeling that you just may die where you are standing.  But we all keep moving forward.  God is not finished with me.  There is work to be done on this earth for His Kingdom.  I praise Him in the storms of life.  He is our Rock.  Kenan and I have made it through some difficult times in life.  We are currently going through a storm right now.  The waves are crashing our boat. The world tells me to abandon hope, but the voice of Truth tells us that we know in whom we have believed.  He is willing and able.  Jesus doesn’t stop the storms of life, but He holds our hand and weathers them with us.

Are you ready for a life change?  Are you ready to step out of the boat?  Are you ready to work for yourself and for a company that will help you achieve the goals you have in life? Pink Zebra just may be what you are looking for. Who would have thought that I could honor my mother with a business?! I am a stay at home mom for crying out loud! Who would have thought I could own my own business AND be successful too!?  He always amazes me!

Thank you so much for stopping by.  We would love for you to pray about joining our team. If there is something in your life that needs prayer, please email us.  We would be honored to pray for you.


Kenan and Emily

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HOT HOT HOT FLASH!!! New Antler Shade From Pink Zebra!!!

I am SO excited to announce the arrival on probably my favorite shade TO DATE!! Kenan is beyond thrilled but the look on my five year old son’s face was priceless.  He swears Pink Zebra made this antler shade JUST for him!  Us down home back woods Texas people are going NUTS over this.  Sales are reported as the hottest selling HOT FLASH to date!!!

This shade is a head turner! I’m trying to convince my son that he will get one in his room but this one is mine… or Dads.. lol!

Antler on Display Pink Zebra

Antlers Pink Zebra

Get yours not before they are all gone!!!!  Click on the picture above to order yours!!!

Many blessings to you and yours,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Visit us online at

September to Remember! Pink Zebra Style!

I am amazed and in awe of what God has done for our Pink Zebra business.   Last month our team broke every record and doubled our sales volume!! We ended the month with $23,000 in Team Sales, 1 new promotion, and 31 new business partners!! That’s a total of 104 consultants in our down line!   

Kenan and I are working towards our goals and praying every step of the way.  Executive Manager is next on the list for me. When I promoted to Manager I released balloons filled with butterfly punch outs from my business cards to heaven in my mother’s honor.  I have BIG plans for my next two promotions.  Executive Manager and then on to Director.  Y’all are going to LOVE it! So stay tuned to see what flies this time!

I cannot count how many times God has used these amazing men and women from Pink Zebra to come in and comfort me, push me, hug me, pray for me, and cheer me on.  Some days I just want to quit, some days I want to stand on my rooftop and shout to the world, “Pink Zebra is changing lives!”  It’s been an amazing roller coaster and to think, I’m only 13 months into this adventure.

Join us on this journey! We are going places and having a blast doing so! I think my mother would be proud! 

Join Pink Zebra

Click on the picture above to join our team! Together we can change lives. Even yours. 


Kenan and Emily

Visit us online at