When You Feel Like Giving Up…

giving up quote direct sales network marketing

Giving up is easy. Pushing forward is hard. 

The last two years since I started my own Direct Sales business there have been countless times I was ready to throw in the towel. That’s it.. I’m done.. I can’t do this anymore, are just a few of the phrases that have come out of my mouth. Tears… Oh yeah. You can bet I’ve cried my fair share of tears over my business. People quit on me, someone said something ugly to me, I missed the promotion, things aren’t moving forward as fast as I want them to.  Does this sound familiar?  If so keep reading.

What if we were to have given up when times got hard? We can quit a job, move, but we can’t quit life. We still wake up everyday to a new sunrise. Life keeps moving forward. Time doesn’t stop. 

I’ve had a rough several years under my belt. Having my mother move into a nursing home, countless trips to the E.R., hospital stays, financial problems, hospice, and finally her funeral.  I’ve been dreaming about her every night lately. It’s hard to function when I wake. Reality comes back and I realize that she isn’t here. I’ve cried and begged God for a time out! Just a few minutes, make the clock stop. It never happens. 

When I feel like quitting God reminds me, the answers are always in his Word. Abraham never quit trusting God. Moses wandered the desert for 40 years. Esther went before the king to save her people. Paul was beaten and broken.  Jesus knew how He would die but still willingly went to the cross.  Throughout the whole bible are stories of amazing men and women who didn’t give up. King David wanted to.. He cried out to God day and night. He kept going and was richly blessed.  

So what do we do when we feel like giving up? A wise man once said,”Never quit on a bad day.” Read the bible, take the day off, take a walk, turn your phone off. When you’ve come to the end of your rope, keep hanging on. The emotion will pass. Then you try ONE MORE TIME.  How many people have quit without trying one more time? 

It’s been 2 years and I’m still with my company. I am grateful for my husband and friends who wouldn’t let me quit. Don’t let fear own you. Try one more time! Stick with whatever you are doing and give it one more shot. So many people quit when the road seems impossible. Not knowing they were SO close to their breakthrough. You have to go through it to get there.  Trust me my friends, it’s worth it.

So take a day off, go to a movie, hang with friends or family, anything besides what you feel like quitting. Then come back and give it one more shot. If you’re reason why is big enough, you’ll keep going. Just like Jesus did.

Blessings to you,

Emily Dibrell

Visit me online at Sprinkles of Faith

Succeed in business Direct Sales network marketing
Replinish in life and business rest
Micheal Jordan famous Failures in business and life
Coca-Cola didn't give up! Keep going!

Love What You Do!

Last night one of my team members and best friends hosted a Livestream. She’s a fantastic trainer and coach! Last night she went deeper. I mean to the heart of the matter.  Why you should fall in love with your business.  It brought me to tears…

I really don’t want to share too much of her story, since it’s not mine to tell.  Though when she was talking to us, I felt as if she was only speaking to my heart.  She talked about the roads that lead her to this specific place in time.  The company she was with now, Pink Zebra was like a climax to her story.  I began to see how true this was in my life as well.

My whole life I’ve felt out of place. Like I just didn’t quite belong. Maybe it was the fact that I was adopted, maybe it was my adopted father dying from cancer when I was young?  The long path of wrong decisions when I was a teen and into my early 20s… Divorce, death, rejection, and more… All of these storms in my life shaped and molded me into the person I am today.

When I was 8 months pregnant with my second child, my husband at the time was thrown in prison.  I’ll spare him and you the details but it was a breaking point in my life.  I had only felt that deep despair of loneliness once before… Looking back on the situation now, God used those hurts to help build and mold me.  In that season of being a single mother to two young children, I learned a lot about myself.  I was working a full time job that I loved.  Telemarketing for a corporate apparel and promotional items company.  I threw myself into my work while there, I enjoyed every minute in the evenings with my daughters (well almost every minute…lol).  Weekends were sweeter, bonding deeper.

When I came out the other end of the storm, I was changed.  I was a person who cared more, loved more, and would carry those scars for life.

This is one of the rivers that brought me to Pink Zebra.. I remember how much I loved my job. Making sales and celebrating. I remember what it was like to work with like minded individuals. Team leading, fellowship, trips, etc. Had I not gone through that storm, would I have developed those skills and unleashed my God given talent.  I guess we will never know.

Take the best pieces of your past and apply them to your present, work on them for your future.  Fall in love with your passions.  Work where you love to be.  I work from home now, I love my home.  I love my Pink Zebra business that I get to enjoy and share with my family.

Love what you do and you’ll never work another day in your life.

Are you looking for something you love, are you looking for a piece of your heart that needs mending?

Consider joining us. Direct Sales is so fun and it lets each individuals uniqueness shine through! There is only one YOU…

Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings!



Click to join our family!

Click to join our family!

Beginning Direct Sales – What Motivates You?

I didn’t join Pink Zebra just to have a “job”. I joined because I was at the lowest point in my life. The grief of losing my mother was tearing me apart. Starting my business was a choice to put my pain and passion into something productive instead of drowning my sorrow in a bag of potato chips.. Anyone else with me? You may not have lost a loved one recently but I’m sure most of you have experienced the unwillingness to get up and keep going. Maybe it was a bad divorce, you were laid off from a job, or maybe your self esteem has you reaching for those unhealthy comforts in your life that lead to more self loathing and tears. It’s a cycle!! Break it!

What if there was a new beginning that could change you. Getting a fancy starter kit, business cards, and a new title won’t change you. What you do with them will.

Pink Zebra has changed my life. I was so excited to be handing out samples and sharing products with people. Finally something else to talk about than just my grief. When others became just as excited about my products as I was, I was thrilled! When people started joining my team and focusing on the same goal as me, it was life changing.

Since day one, I have kept that fire and passion alive. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams with an amazing customer base, a team of over 140, and the most amazing company I have ever been a part of. When the depression and self loathing tries to creep in, God reminds me He has placed me in a position of Leadership. One I never knew I wanted or would be good at! I can’t revert back to that lost little girl who’s mom died. I have too many counting on me. My family and my team. That is my motivation. I want to change lives just like mine was changed. God took a broken heap of ashes and replaced them with beauty. God has a way of taking something you never dreamed of doing and making His glory shine through.

Is there something in your life that needs changing? Are you being held back by your own doubts and fears. What if you took that energy and focused it on something productive. Helping out at a local food bank, donating to a charity, or even starting your own business to help others in your situation. Whatever you’re going through, you are not alone. That pain will keep you going until it’s replaced with joy.

Blessings upon blessings!
Emily Dibrell
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Direct Sales – Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

Join us tonight 11/12 @ 7pm CST on Livestream!  Click the image below to follow us!  

Click The Picture Above

Click The Picture Above

Direct Sales can be a the most rewarding career path or the toughest!  Join us to see the effect you are having on your business!

Don’t forget! We have an amazing offer going on right now if you’re looking to get into the Direct Sales field!

Click on the Link to Learn more about joining our team!

Click on the picture above to learn more about joining our team!

God Bless!!!

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Overcoming Doubt in Your Direct Sales Business!

Last night we did a broadcast on Livestream! I think it went pretty well considering it was our first time doing it together.  We figured out the iPad app with minimal pain. 

We discussed a few good topics, one of which I will share with you today. Doubt…

These are the icky feeling topics that most of us don’t like to talk about.  We don’t like to look at our shortcomings. Personal growth is not easy! It takes a lifetime to do and it’s never complete this side of heaven.  Let’s look at someone who doubted on more than one occasion, Thomas.  

A group of Jesus’ disciples were in a room, doors locked, hiding in fear from the Jewish leaders.  Here comes the resurrected Christ into the room.  I’m sure I would have had my jaw on the floor.  Thomas was not with them when this happened so he plainly says in John 20:25….

So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”

But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

Well guess who shows up a week later? Jesus is back! *insert theme music here* John 20:27 tells us this…

Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

I’m pretty sure Thomas inserted his foot in his mouth! 

What about King David?  When King David was seeking answers from God he would retreat to a “stronghold” or a quiet place to seek God.  My quiet place is the middle of the woods, where is yours?  Your bathroom, bedroom, closet?  David talked to God and asked for a response.  God answers our prayers. He answered King David who never lost a battle.  He answered Thomas when he doubted.  We have to wait for the response!

Have you ever been impatient with God? Doubted that He cared? Think maybe He forgot about you? Have you ever taken matters into your own hands while waiting?

Sarah, Abraham, and Hagar are just one example of being impatient and doubting God.  God still blessed Abraham and Sarah with a son, Issac!  He was planning on it, He said He would, but our “time” and God’s “time” are not the same.

Are you involving God in your Direct Sales business? Are you hoping to just “get” there eventually on your own? What if we asked God to be in EVERY aspect of our business and didn’t doubt! What if we were to be specific in prayer like King David and ask God specifically how to reach our goals?  Maybe you are having trouble recruiting new team members, ask God specifically and do not doubt!  You still have to do the work but I bet you will be amazed at the outcome when you start taking every request for your business to the King!

My prayer:

Dear God, Thank you for being a God I can come to with any need or desire I may have.  Please help me to overcome my doubt when it comes to my business.  Help me to step out of the boat and believe that you will answer me.  Help me to seek You more and to learn to wait on you.  Bless my business and life.  I am yours.  In Jesus Name we pray, Amen!

Now go out there and ROCK your business! God is there, do not doubt!

Blessings upon Blessings,

Emily Dibrell


Journey to a better life Direct Sales Pink Zebra God

Working Your Direct Sales Business Through God!

Kenan and I are very excited about a new adventure that we are embarking on today.  We are stepping outside of our comfort zone and doing a Livestream event series! Gasp! For those of you who don’t know what Livestream is.. it pretty much explains itself..we will be streaming.. LIVE!  

One thing I have found the Direct Sales industry lacking is Christian authors and teachings.  Kenan and I are Christians and we know that God is always #1. Don’t get me wrong, there are many amazing Direct Sales coaches, leaders, authors, motivational speakers, etc out there, but we were looking for something more Christian based than self help based.  Every time I have tried to “help myself” in the past, it has always gone south.  I remember while attending an N.A. meeting with a friend not too long ago, the group was talking about self help books.  I grinned when the leader said, “Our best thinking got us where we are today!”  A truer statement then most people understood at the time.  This lead me on a journey to find a Christian Direct Sales book! 

I came across, “More Than Sales, Seeking God’s Heart For Your Direct Sales Business” by K.E. Sipps about 3 weeks ago on Amazon.  I downloaded the kindle version and feel in love instantly.  I told Kenan, we HAVE to share this with others out there like us who have been looking for books involving God and their business.

We are looking forward to kicking off this series this evening at 7pm CST!  Please feel free to join us!  You can click the link here.  You will need to register for a free account and then hit the follow button.  This video series is for anyone in Direct Sales or anyone who owns their own business!  If you are thinking of starting your own business or joining a Direct Sales company, this may be a good place to start and see what God’s Will for you is.

more than sales

To purchase this book on Amazon, click here

Thanks for stopping by!!
Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Counting Your Blessings!

Have you actually ever sat down and counted your blessings?  What about the simple things we take for granted?  A full belly and a warm bed are prayed for by many. Healthy children? What about the woman who has tried for years to conceive but is left with an empty womb? The bondage of addiction? A child abused and forgotten?  My heart breaks for humanity with the endless struggles of this sin filled world.  

This year at our New Year’s Pink Zebra party, our amazing upline, Dana, gave us each a mason jar to take home and decorate.  The jar is to be filled with all of the blessings over the year! What a cute idea! New Years Eve of 2015, Kenan and I will open our jars and count our blessings!  

I challenge you to make your own blessing jar!  Write down what God has given you throughout the year.  When you think God is being silent, look at the jar.  We tend to focus way to much on the bad and overlook the good.  This is a great and easy craft to remind you of the good in your life like a warm bed and a full belly.

Here are a few pictures of our blessing jar.

Our focus this year is God and Family!

Our focus this year is God and Family!

Blessing Jar Family

Family Love!

Mom and Dad Blessing Jar

That’s us!

I would love to hear from anyone who has done this before in the past!  What was it like when you opened that jar on New Years?! Were you amazed to actually have God’s blessings written down?

Blessings to all!

Kenan and Emily Dibrell


Click the picture above to learn more about joining our fast growing team!

Click the picture above to learn more about joining our fast growing team!

Shop – Host- Join! What’s Going on in Pink Zebra Land for January?

January brings around some exciting specials to get us zebra’s pumped up and ready to take on the world. I seriously have never met a more positive group of men and women!  Here’s what’s going on in the herd this month.


Our newest addition to Paisley’s Pick is breathtaking.  I don’t understand how they can hit the nail on the head every time!  Our Long Stemmed Roses are no different.  By far my FAVORITE Paisley’s Pick to date!!  Grab you a jar for $8!!



Our Spring/Summer catalog will be launching early in February!! Make sure you grab your favorite seasonal scents before they are gone until next year!!

I'm buying at least 2 more of this scent!

I’m buying at least 2 more of this scent!


Host a Pink Zebra party!! It can be in home, a catalog party, or an online party.  If your sales reach $150 you will receive a FREE single dish Simmer Pot plus 1 1/2 priced item!   $250 in sales will get you a FREE 2 Dish Simmer Pot from us PLUS any Free item and 2 1/2 priced items!!  Pink Zebra’s host rewards are fantastic!  Hit $400 in sales and you will not only get 2 FREE items from our catalog, 3 1/2 priced items, and a the option to purchase our amazing Bold and Beautiful Host Exclusive Shade!!

Single Dish Simmer Pot! *Colors May Vary

Single Dish Simmer Pot! *Colors May Vary

2 Dish Simmer Pot. *Colors may vary

2 Dish Simmer Pot. *Colors may vary

The pictures just do not do this justice!

The pictures just do not do this justice!

Here’s a picture a fellow zebra took of her set up with our newest shade!

Home Decor at it's finest!!

Home Decor at it’s finest!!


I cannot stress how much we would love to have you on our team!!!  Our team has grown to over 15 states in just a little over a year!!! 

That's an $18 value FREE!

That’s an $18 value FREE!

For us zebra’s who are already out here in the field, we have an exciting recruiting special going on!  If Kenan and I get 2 new business partners in January and 2 in February we will receive 2 of these beautiful purses!   If we reach our goal, we will be doing a drawing to give away one of these to one of our new team members!!!  Sign up at sprinklesoffaith.com!  This is also a great way to kick start your business and get your friends to join you on your new adventure.  New zebra can also reap the benefits of this promotion!

Earn a Free Pink Zebra Purse

Earn a Free Pink Zebra Purse

Many Blessings to you and yours!

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Pink Zebra Independent Consultants!

New Year – Prioritizing!

I am HIS!

I am HIS!

Kenan and I spent the last year watching our business grow.  Like a seed planted beside streams of water, it has grown way beyond our dreams and expectations!  Of course we are human and I tend to be the more negative one in our family.  Kenan keeps telling me, we are doing fine honey.  I see the next promotion and get blinders on sometimes.  God and Kenan have a way of refocusing me on what my priorities should be.

One of my personal goals this year is to prioritize!  This mom here has an issue with kid induced A.D.D. Lol!  I sit down to write my blog or have a team meeting and I’m thinking about the laundry or did the cats get fed?  How am I supposed to prioritize when my brain is 90 to nothing all day!!??


My priorities are God first, my marriage, my children, others, and my business.  I tend to get these out of order and my relationship with God or my husband ends up on the back burner because my children need to be in 14 different activities and I need to be the best at my job… WHY?  Because these are things that look good on the outside.  I suffer from a syndrome called People Pleasing.. Anyone else with me?   I can hide the fact that my relationship with God is not where it should be. I go to church and sit in the pew most Sundays… who would know?  

2015 – I will be fierce and unstoppable.  God is first.  He created me, loves me, protects me, and so much more.  The least I can do is schedule a prayer time and talk to him throughout the day.  Commit to reading his word and learning more about what God wants for our lives including our business.

What are some goals you have for the New Year? Start putting God first and see what happens in your daily life.  Resist the urge to turn on that TV if you have yet to crack open your bible.  Put down your laptop if you haven’t at least praised Him for being and AMAZING AWESOME ROCKIN GOD!  Eventually your actions will become habits, your habits will change your life.  Choose to seek God and His heart. He will use you in ways you’ve never imagined!

God Bless,

Emily Dibrell


Think God can't use you?

Think God can’t use you?

Lead the way!

Lead the way!

Today I Will….

Have you ever come to this place of contentment.  This place where you forget where you came from because your are so focused on where you are going?  What’s worse is that you should be focusing on the now anyway!  What we do today shapes our future. Today’s actions become tomorrows success or failure.  

Here lately I’ve been looking a bit too much forward.  I know what I want. I know that if it is God’s Will for me, it WILL happen. I know that if it doesn’t happen, God has something better for me is store.  So why am I so worried about tomorrow, today?

When I think back about where I was a few years ago.. I’ve come a long way.  11 years ago, holy cow, that was a person I don’t even recognize now.  It was an empty shell for a lost soul. Empty until a Savior picked me up and filled me with His Spirit. Emily before Christ would shock most of you. 

I don’t understand how I so easily forget all the amazing things God has done for me in the past.  He delivered me from my worst nightmares, carried me through pain and loss even before I knew Him, and He is still holding on just as strong as I type this.  When I do look back through my eyes I see pain.  I don’t see the good, just the bad.  When I look back in a positive light, I see the blessings far outweigh the bad.  I just can’t shake the bad sometimes.

Today I plan of just being thankful for the here and now.  Thankful for a family who loves me, thankful for my crazy messy house, thankful for the children who are already covered in dirt by 10am. I’m going to be thankful for all of that and more!  No looking forward to tomorrow, no looking back at the past.  I’m simply going to be thankful for each minute of today and find the blessings in the small things.

Isaiah 43:18-19, NIV Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past….

Praying you find your pearls in the desert.

Emily Dibrell