Valentine’s Day Bundle by Pink Zebra

The most romantic day of the year is approaching quickly!  Pink Zebra has put together an exclusive bundle available 1/19-1/21. This set includes the Red Simmering Light Liner, Glimmer Candle, Heart Shade, and Gimme Some Sugar Sprinkle scent!

Perfect for that special someone on your list! These won’t last long!


Head on over to our website to order!

Sprinkles of Faith

Have a blessed day!

Emily Dibrell
Executive Manager
Pink Zebra Home- Independent Consultant

Love What You Do!

Last night one of my team members and best friends hosted a Livestream. She’s a fantastic trainer and coach! Last night she went deeper. I mean to the heart of the matter.  Why you should fall in love with your business.  It brought me to tears…

I really don’t want to share too much of her story, since it’s not mine to tell.  Though when she was talking to us, I felt as if she was only speaking to my heart.  She talked about the roads that lead her to this specific place in time.  The company she was with now, Pink Zebra was like a climax to her story.  I began to see how true this was in my life as well.

My whole life I’ve felt out of place. Like I just didn’t quite belong. Maybe it was the fact that I was adopted, maybe it was my adopted father dying from cancer when I was young?  The long path of wrong decisions when I was a teen and into my early 20s… Divorce, death, rejection, and more… All of these storms in my life shaped and molded me into the person I am today.

When I was 8 months pregnant with my second child, my husband at the time was thrown in prison.  I’ll spare him and you the details but it was a breaking point in my life.  I had only felt that deep despair of loneliness once before… Looking back on the situation now, God used those hurts to help build and mold me.  In that season of being a single mother to two young children, I learned a lot about myself.  I was working a full time job that I loved.  Telemarketing for a corporate apparel and promotional items company.  I threw myself into my work while there, I enjoyed every minute in the evenings with my daughters (well almost every minute…lol).  Weekends were sweeter, bonding deeper.

When I came out the other end of the storm, I was changed.  I was a person who cared more, loved more, and would carry those scars for life.

This is one of the rivers that brought me to Pink Zebra.. I remember how much I loved my job. Making sales and celebrating. I remember what it was like to work with like minded individuals. Team leading, fellowship, trips, etc. Had I not gone through that storm, would I have developed those skills and unleashed my God given talent.  I guess we will never know.

Take the best pieces of your past and apply them to your present, work on them for your future.  Fall in love with your passions.  Work where you love to be.  I work from home now, I love my home.  I love my Pink Zebra business that I get to enjoy and share with my family.

Love what you do and you’ll never work another day in your life.

Are you looking for something you love, are you looking for a piece of your heart that needs mending?

Consider joining us. Direct Sales is so fun and it lets each individuals uniqueness shine through! There is only one YOU…

Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings!



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