Pink Zebra Reunion 2015 – Coming Soon!!

I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for our 4th Family Reunion with Pink Zebra!! This will be my second one to attend since joining a little less than 2 years ago.  Last year due to Kenan’s work schedule, he was not able to attend Reunion 2014 in Nashville with me.  My brother and I took a road trip full of excitement together!  This year Kenan will be attending with me in the beautiful Texas Hill Country! This year we are only about 3 hours away vs 15 from Nashville.

I’ve been stalking the resorts website. Apparently the J.W. Marriot is an amazing resort with some pretty awesome reviews.  Saturday night, Managers and up will be in private workshops all day and headed over to Knibbe Ranch in the evening for entertainment, drinks, fireworks, and more!!  Sunday and Monday are going to be fun filled with our annual Paisley Awards.. Which is our version of the Grammys.. Top leaders will be recognized for their hard work.. Monday night our new catalog will be revealed! This makes me want to jump up and down while I write this, but I shall contain myself for now.

Getting to see our founders again is high on my list. We haven’t seen them since our a Jamaican vacation at the end of April. So it’s long overdue.  Reconnecting with my zebra family, meeting new zebras.. I cannot wait!!

Kenan and I have never worked a job where we get excited about events all the time. Maybe holidays and vacations.. Lol. With Pink Zebra there is always something wonderful to look forward too. After our fun filled Reunion, we have Rallies coming up in October and February.  Incentive trip dates will be released at reunion so we will also have that to look forward to. AND the location for next years reunion!

Want to join us on a tropical destination next year? What about 5 star resort for our next reunion? Get your tail in gear!! Join the Pink Zebra family! I warn you, the excitement is contagious!

Kits are on sale until July 29th!!! What are you waiting for? $25 off either kit and $25 in FREE Product!  Heck yeah!

Click on the image above to join our team!!!

Click on the image above to join our team!!!


Emily Dibrell

Visit us online to learn more at

Why I joined Pink Zebra…

Here’s a quick video on why I started Pink Zebra and what keeps me going… The progression of your why!

Watch it here!!

Visit me online at to learn more about our amazing opportunity.
Emily Dibrell

Important Info Before You Become a Pink Zebra Consultant! Updated..

Choosing Your Upline!

Suzy and her friend head out of town on a shopping trip.  They hear about an expo going on nearby so they decide to swing in and check it out.  Upon entering, Suzy and her friend noses start to dance.  What is that sweet smell from heaven?  Is that pears, NO apples?  Suzy MUST find this booth.  She stumbles upon the wonderful new home fragrance world of Pink Zebra!  The packaging, the Sprinkles, the recipes, the warmers, shades, candles!  It’s an OMG factor!  She needs it, has to have it!  Suzy and her friend buy a couple of jars and head on their way home.  

On the way back home, the jars are repeatedly opened. Suzy is pushing the speed limit so she can go stick her Sprinkles in her warmer!   She practically throws her friend out of the car and heads home.  

Walking in the door, she passes up her kids and husband.  She goes straight to her Scentsy warmer and throws in a scoop…she waits. The beautiful smell of Sweet Pea & Lily has taken over her house! She’s in love.. But will it last??!! 

On day 3 Suzy can still smell the floral aroma drifting through the house. She IS hooked.  Suzy has officially become a Sprinkle Addict.  It’s ok Suzy, it happens! We love ya girl.

She gets online and looks up Pink Zebra Home.  HEY, I can do this for a living, as if being a mother and a wife doesn’t keep her busy enough.  I’m going to do this for ME!  Her loving husband comes home and they discuss.  Suzy tells him that it’s worth signing up just for the discount!  The kits are on sale and I will get a sample of every scent.  Her mouth is watering. The husband contemplates this.  Suzy does spend a lot on home fragrance.  She buys wax bars AND candles.  Pink Zebra covers both.  He agrees!  Suzy is thrilled.  She runs to her computer and looks for someone to sign up under.  UGH, the lady at the booth didn’t give her info or she lost it.  Oh well, it’s 2014, google will help me.  She looks up and finds the join now button.  UGH, she has to find someone to sign up under.  She pulls up her zip code in the consultant locator.  Hmm.. one rep nearby and 4 others about an hour or so away.  

THIS IS WHERE SUZY makes her mistake. She plays the ene-meni-mini-mo game. Don’t do this! The consultants are listed in order for a reason!! #1 and #2 are the ones working their business.  If you see someone not in your area pull up as #2 instead of #3 like the local person.  It’s because that person is WORKING the heck out of their business.

Suzy doesn’t know this as do over half of the Consultants who sign up.  She chooses to sign up under the nearest zip code.  

One week later her kit arrives! Christmas bells are ringing!  She opens the book and sees that if she sales $500 in her first 30 days she can earn $75 in free product! Woohoo!  Party! Her friends and family have been asking about her new obsession anyway.  Why not make some money back. At least what she spent on the kit.  

She starts planning for a launch party and thinks, do I do sales tax? Crap, is there shipping?  What if I loose money?  What if I charge too much! Aggh! Now Suzy is stressing.  She tries to call, email, send a smoke signal to the person she signed up under. She can’t get in touch with her!  

AND here my friends is where other Pink Zebra Consultants come to Suzy’s aid.  They help her, answer her questions, encourage her, and give her so much to look forward to with Pink Zebra!  You mean I can retire my husband in less than 5 years if I keep at this and we can do this together!! She is thrilled and in love with everything about the company.  

She WILL say, if only…  those are words you cannot and do not want to say in your business. You are stuck with your upline.  The words if only don’t change anything.

“If only I had signed up under you!” “If only I was on your team, y’all are doing amazing!” 

There are SO many consultants out there saying, if only… don’t be one of those.

Choose a Consultant who is ON FIRE (Passion), Has or is fixing to promote ( they will take you with them to the top), talk to their team members.. (So Amanda, is Emily a good leader or does she make excuses?)  

Call my team!!! I challenge you!! 

Interview the person you are wanting to sign up under, follow them on facebook for a few days. What are their goals, is this someone you can work with as a person, is this someone that is going to lead or leave you?  

Now hear me out here.  Sometimes life happens and you have to step back from the business for a while.  It happens and that is one of the beauties of this business. I am do not want to upset any Consultants who had to step away for personal reasons. 

I hope this post is helpful to you!  If you are one of the Pink Zebra Consultants who needs help and doesn’t have an active upline, feel free to friend me on facebook, email me, I will help you as best as I can!

So here is the goal I am working towards.  This IS a tough one! But I WILL do it!

MY GOAL!  Pray for me!!!

MY GOAL! Pray for me!!!



Our sign up special is good through July 29th!!  You will get all the items you need to rock your Pink Zebra business.  Fall is knows for it’s highest sales volume!  This will help you earn your free products and get you growing!  Click on the picture below to learn more about joining my team!  

Thank you for stopping by!

You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+

Blessings!! Visit me online at

Fail or fly

Direct Sales. Is it for You!? 

Yesterday I stepped outside of my comfort zone and created a video about Pink Zebra and the Direct Sales Industry. Simply click on the link below to watch!!
Pink Zebra and Direct Sales
Visit us online at

Have a Blessed weekend!!!


Do You Have Excitement in Your Life?

Excitement… As an adult excitement is something that is rare. When I was a child excitement was everywhere! I was excited for Fridays, Christmas, that new pair of shoes, my favorite TV show. Close your eyes and think back to when you were young? Remember an exciting moment? The older I became the further apart those moments of excitement became.  Waiting for the birth of my children was exciting. Saying “I DO” to my amazing husband, watching my kids open Christmas presents.. Y’all with me?

Over the past two years I have experienced so much more excitement than all of my adult years put together… Why? We’ve had a rough couple of years. Grief, depression, illness…just to name a few. So what has me jumping up and down for joy on a regular basis? Owning our own business!!

These days it’s rare to find joy and excitement in a job. Jobs are the place you go or the task you do to being home a paycheck. Most Americans don’t find joy in their work. It’s a day in day out routine that has most of us in a state of complacency..

My job is different. For starters I work from home. This gives me the ability to be the main influence in my children’s lives. We also homeschool. I know it’s not for everyone and NO judgement here if you don’t, please… I’m not one of “those” homeschool moms. Lol. We are simply doing what we believe God has called us to do.I get to sleep in later than most, I work my job around my family schedule, and my job is fun and exciting!!! I get to be a part of something BIG!

Since starting our business 2 years ago, Kenan and I have watched so many men and women make dreams become a reality.  The insecure woman standing up in front a crowd of her peers sharing her excitement and teaching others.  The man suffering from depression thinking he will never be able to provide for his family the way he feels he should, now taking his family on tropical vacations all because of the business he got excited about. This woman writing this blog, coming out of a deep dark place in my life and finding excitement around every corner.  New products, new places, new awards, incentives, friendships… I could go on and on.  I picked a few highlights of excitement over my past couple years to share with you.

Christmas Party at Director Dana and her husband Duane's house! Duck Dynasty themed!!

Christmas Party at Director Dana and her husband Duane’s house! Duck Dynasty themed!!

February 2014 - Pink Zebra Rally. This is where I received my Manager's necklace!

February 2014 – Pink Zebra Rally. This is where I received my Manager’s necklace!

On Our Way to Watch Jeremy Camp from our Pink Zebra Booth! Rezfest 2014

On Our Way to Watch Jeremy Camp from our Pink Zebra Booth! Rezfest 2014

Backstage at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville! Reunion 2014! BEST TIME EVER!

Backstage at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville! Reunion 2014! BEST TIME EVER!

Nashville1 nashville founders

New Year's Party 2015! Pink Zebra Family!

New Year’s Party 2015! Pink Zebra Family!

Houston Texas - February 2015 Product Reveal Rally! Team Pink Zebra

Houston Texas – February 2015 Product Reveal Rally! Team Pink Zebra

Soaks Reveal in Houston TX April 2015 - Guess who got to co-lead!! ME!!!!!!!

Soaks Reveal in Houston TX April 2015 – Guess who got to co-lead!! ME!!!!!!!

Dancing the Night Away with Kenan in Negril Jamaica!!!!!!

Dancing the Night Away with Kenan in Negril Jamaica!!!!!!

Jamaican Star Fish!  Best 5 days and 4 nights EVER!!!!

Jamaican Star Fish! Best 5 days and 4 nights EVER!!!!

Co-Founder Tom Gaines with Kenan and I at Home Office! Sugarland, TX

Co-Founder Tom Gaines with Kenan and I at Home Office! Sugarland, TX

Was that as exciting for you as it was for me.  Looking at a small portion of the excitement that has happened to our family over the past couple of years makes me want to cry tears of joy!!!  To think it all started with a prayer and a kit.

Are you in need of some excitement in your life?  When is the last time you actually started jumping up and down with so much joy and excitement that you couldn’t contain?  Maybe starting your own business adventure is something you should consider.  Direct Sales companies are abundant!  Over 18 million Americans are in this industry.  Finding one that suits your needs can be overwhelming.  No experience is necessary so my advice to you is pick a product you love. A company with vision.  Something you can stand behind, be proud of, and get excited about.  Something that will make you a better person inside and out.  Maybe you know someone who could benefit from a life change moment.  Kenan knew I would, and he was right.

Feel free to contact me at – I would love to hear from you.  Even if you don’t think right now is a good time for you.  Whatever your struggle, let me share some of my excitement with you!

Keep watching for more exciting moments to come.  T-2 weeks until the zebras take over San Antonio Texas for Family Reunion 2015!!

Blessings to you and yours! May you find more excitement in your life.

Emily Dibrell

Thinking of Joining Pink Zebra?

Have you been on the fence about Pink Zebra?  Checked it out a few times and thought, that’s cute.  What are you waiting for?  Pink Zebra has announced an awesome join special running now until 7/29!  $25 off either kit. Regular price $99 or $199.  PLUS you get an extra $25 in Free Product of YOUR choice.  How?  Pink Dollars!! Pink Dollars are in store credit.  Want that extra shade or that carton of Sprinkles… well, it’s yours!  This is the best sign up special I have seen in a while.  Remember, Kenan and I will be celebrating 2 years with Pink Zebra next month, so you will be joining a team of top leaders that will help you every step of the way!!  Now to sound like an infomercial… BUT WAIT, ACT NOW and when you personally sponsor someone to join your team and they hit their quick start 1, not only will they receive $75 Pink Dollars, YOU will receive DOUBLE POINTS for our 2016 incentive trip!!!!  Details to be released at reunion August 2-3!  Remember out beautiful trip to Jamaica that we earned last year?  Here’s a reminder..

Pink Zebra Family Dinner

Pink Zebra Family Dinner

Famous Negril Jamaica Sunset from the Sandals Resort

Famous Negril Jamaica Sunset from the Sandals Resort

Yes, we found paradise!  Wow!  I could go on and on again about the amazing 5 days we spent in Jamaica but I’ll spare you.  I cannot wait to find out where we are going to go next year!  Pink Zebra has had a total of 3 incentive trips since it’s birth in 2011. I have been told that each year it gets better and better.  I don’t see how they could top Jamaica but the PZ crew is top notch and they always blow us away every time.

So… $25 off your kit for over $240 worth of product (basic kit), $25 Pink Dollars to purchase whatever products you want, plus if you get a friend, family member, etc., to join your team and they hit their Quick Start 1, then you get DOUBLE points towards our incentive trip!  Seriously?! What have you got to lose?

Why join pink zebra

Click on the image above to join our team!!!

Click on the image above to join our team!!!

Thanks for stopping by!  If you know anyone who loves candles, send them our way.  Shop, host, or join!  We want you in our family!!!

Blessings Upon Blessings!

Emily Dibrell

Visit our website at SPRINKLES OF FAITH

Pink Zebra – 72 Hour Garage Sale!

Who doesn’t love a good garage sale.  Some of our most popular shades and candles are on sale at an amazingly low price!! 

Click to Shop

Click to Shop

At these knock out prices, these deals won’t last for long!  Hop over to our website! It’s never to early to start your Christmas shopping in July!

Visit us online at Sprinkles of Faith

To join our Pink Zebra Family, click the picture below!

Pink Zebra Join Kit Enrollement

Blessings Upon Blessings,

The Dibrells

Eat drink sleep pink Zebra

Love What You Do!

Last night one of my team members and best friends hosted a Livestream. She’s a fantastic trainer and coach! Last night she went deeper. I mean to the heart of the matter.  Why you should fall in love with your business.  It brought me to tears…

I really don’t want to share too much of her story, since it’s not mine to tell.  Though when she was talking to us, I felt as if she was only speaking to my heart.  She talked about the roads that lead her to this specific place in time.  The company she was with now, Pink Zebra was like a climax to her story.  I began to see how true this was in my life as well.

My whole life I’ve felt out of place. Like I just didn’t quite belong. Maybe it was the fact that I was adopted, maybe it was my adopted father dying from cancer when I was young?  The long path of wrong decisions when I was a teen and into my early 20s… Divorce, death, rejection, and more… All of these storms in my life shaped and molded me into the person I am today.

When I was 8 months pregnant with my second child, my husband at the time was thrown in prison.  I’ll spare him and you the details but it was a breaking point in my life.  I had only felt that deep despair of loneliness once before… Looking back on the situation now, God used those hurts to help build and mold me.  In that season of being a single mother to two young children, I learned a lot about myself.  I was working a full time job that I loved.  Telemarketing for a corporate apparel and promotional items company.  I threw myself into my work while there, I enjoyed every minute in the evenings with my daughters (well almost every minute…lol).  Weekends were sweeter, bonding deeper.

When I came out the other end of the storm, I was changed.  I was a person who cared more, loved more, and would carry those scars for life.

This is one of the rivers that brought me to Pink Zebra.. I remember how much I loved my job. Making sales and celebrating. I remember what it was like to work with like minded individuals. Team leading, fellowship, trips, etc. Had I not gone through that storm, would I have developed those skills and unleashed my God given talent.  I guess we will never know.

Take the best pieces of your past and apply them to your present, work on them for your future.  Fall in love with your passions.  Work where you love to be.  I work from home now, I love my home.  I love my Pink Zebra business that I get to enjoy and share with my family.

Love what you do and you’ll never work another day in your life.

Are you looking for something you love, are you looking for a piece of your heart that needs mending?

Consider joining us. Direct Sales is so fun and it lets each individuals uniqueness shine through! There is only one YOU…

Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings!



Click to join our family!

Click to join our family!

Pink Zebra Family Reunion 2015 is Coming SOON!

Family Reunion has to be one of my favorite things about Pink Zebra besides our yearly incentive trips to beautiful destinations.  Last year our reunion was packed with fun and excitement in Nashville.  From seeing Brad Paisley and backstage at the Grand Ole Opry to a dinner cruise on the General Jackson Showboat.  It was fun from beginning to end.  The beautiful Gaylord Opryland Resort was second to none.  

2014 Nashville Family Reumion

2014 Nashville Family Reunion

In just THREE weeks we are headed to the beautiful city of San Antonio Texas!! Our Founders and amazing staff have planned an awesome 3 day event that is sure to give all of our Nashville fun a run for its money. 

We will be staying in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas at the J.W. Marriott Resort! This 5 star resort has me ready to pack my bags now!!  Here are a couple of the breathtaking pictures.

JW Marriott Pink Zebra Reunion JW Marriott Guest Room JW Marriott Lazy River Pink Zebra Resort View JW Marriott Pink Zebra Reunion JW Marriott outdoor fun Reunion 2015 Adult Infinity Pool JW Marriott Pink Zebra

I know, beautiful right!  See why I’m ready to pack up now!!??

One of the benefits of being a leader with Pink Zebra is getting treated to a special day just for leaders!  Last year was priceless training from Belinda Ellsworth and the Grand Ole Opry.  This year we are headed to Knibbe Ranch!  A real Texas working ranch and fun is in store for us!  I cannot wait to share with y’all all the amazing things that take place!  Be watching for lots of pictures come August! 

Here’s a list of events going on for our 3 day weekend this year!

Pink Zebra Reunion Schedule 2015

I’m so excited! I wish I could explain to you just how life changing these events are and how much you’re missing out!

It's Going To Be EPIC!

It’s Going To Be EPIC!

Kenan and I would love to have you on our team.  We love to watch lives changing everyday.  See people living the lives they were meant to live. Trips, friendships, family, owning your own business, are just a few perks.  What’s stopping you from building the life of your dreams?  Let’s talk.

Life of my dreams Pink ZebraChanged my life Pink Zebra

Visit us online at Sprinkles of Faith to learn more. 

Blessings Upon Blessings!

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Pink Zebra Independent Consultants

When Copperheads Bite…

County living is something that my family and I have grown to love.  The only noises at night we hear are the long distant howls of coyotes and the musical rhythm of insects.  Along with the simple quiet life we have grown to love, we’ve also had to learn to live with it’s not so pleasant perks.  Raccoons, foxes, opossums, and snakes.. Copperheads are highly common out here.

In April of 2013, shortly after we moved out to this land, I was bit by a baby copperhead only 10″ long on my left hand.  5 days in the hospital, anti-venom (cro-fab) with a night in ICU.  I’ve learned to be careful out here.  Taken in every free cat or kitten available, bought some chickens, and cleared the land as best as we could keep it.  Since then we have only found one copperhead.. he didn’t make it very far.  My youngest son found him and stopped his sister from picking up a ball that landed right by him..

2014 Find

2014 Find

May of 2015 was a wet month!  We ended up with over 20″ of rain here is South Texas.  Flooding was major and lives were lost due to this excessive downfall.  This flood water stirred animals of all sorts up.  Dogs, cats, turtles, and snakes were all looking for higher ground.  The first week of June the rain stopped.  The ground was wet and the grass was high property wide.  Good ole Betsy our tractor was fired up and ready to go.  For a week, we shredded the land.  We were all aware that snakes would be lurking.

June 11th I was outside picking up trash and other debris that had floated around for a month.. 3 feet from our house I found a copperhead curled up in a striking position.  I hollered at a child to grab my shovel and quickly sent the other 4 kids inside.  I lean in and chop his head off….then I felt the sharpest burning pain in my foot I had ever felt.  Yup, dummy me.  There were TWO snakes!! I just killed the little ones mate.  Big momma in all her beautiful copper color nailed my big toe with a pain that about brought me to my knees. Adrenaline kicked in and I was able to get both snakes in a giant tub. Big Momma was one of largest Copperheads I have ever seen.  She was every bit of 2 foot and nice size around..

I knew the drill, I had done this before.  When being bit by a snake, it is important to take the dead snake with you in a secure closure to the ER for verification of species.  Both copperheads to a trip with me to the ER this time.  The ER staff remembered me… some jokes were made but the pain was too intense for me to be bothered.  This time I was not given anti-venom.  Since I had received it the previous time, my chance of a serious allergic reaction outweighed the effects of the copperhead bite.  Pain management and monitoring of the leg/foot.

After 5 days I was released from the hospital.  I cannot describe how bad this dang bite hurt. I have given birth 3 times, had about 6 root canals… this was in the top of the pain scale.  These little snakes mean business when the do inject you with venom…

3 weeks of recovery and I am almost 100% back to normal.  I must admit, I haven’t been outside much lately. Which is sad. I’ve become a little overly paranoid about snakes now.

I’m happy to be back up, active, blogging, and working my Pink Zebra business full time again.  The normal everyday life is something I craved while being held up in bed or on the couch with my leg in the air..

Be safe out there, know which snakes are in your area, what to look for and remember..copperheads are companion snakes.. where there is one, there are other.. sometimes right in front of you!

Here’s the progression of my first week after being bitten.

Copperhead Bite - South Texas

5 minutes after bite to left toe knuckle…

1 hour after being bit. Picture taken at ER

1 hour after being bit. Picture taken at ER

Day 2 - As you can see swelling has reached the upper leg.

Day 2 – As you can see swelling has reached the upper leg.

Day 4 - Swelling in leg has started to reduce... Swelling localized in lower calf and foot..

Day 4 – Swelling in leg has started to reduce… Swelling localized in lower calf and foot..

After 7 days, the swelling had gone down considerably and after 14 days, only mild swelling.  Recovery was difficult on me physically.  I’m still recovering as I write this.  I get very short winded and tire easily.  Maybe my body is still fighting out the venom or I am just that out of shape.. Maybe both…

Glad to be back in the land of the living!!

Blessings Upon Blessings,

Emily Dibrell