Sign Up For Pink Zebra and Save!

Saving is something we all love to do.  Pink Zebra has an amazing join special going on right now.  Become a Pink Zebra Independent Consultant for up to 20% off!   

Save 25% on every purchase you make after joining Pink Zebra.  You’re discount alone is worth it if you’re a wax and home fragrance nut like me!

Save by switching to Pink Zebra! Our Soft Soy wax blend offers a cleaner alternative to home fragrance.  Eco-friendly Sprinkles burn cleaner and last longer.  We offer 12% oil vs 4-8% by the leading wax cube makers.  1 scoop of Sprinkles will last for up to 40 hours in one of our unique Simmer Pots or Simmering Lights Systems… 

Now the question I get asked ALL the time is “Can I use Sprinkles in my own wax warmer?”  The answer is, “It depends.” Let me tell you why.  Top home fragrance companies such as Scentsy, have warranties on their warmers.  If you use any other type of home fragrance such as the cheap wax cubes from your local grocery store or Pink Zebra’s Sprinkles.  Our Sprinkles perform at the max in our Pink Zebra warmers because they are designed to do so.  🙂

When you sign up for a PZ starter kit, you get a Simmering Light System AND the most recent kits are coming with a Simmer Pot as well.. That’s the best of both worlds.  

I know you will LOVE PZ as much as I do and as much as our hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers!!!

Our growth rate right now is climbing.  Check out PZ’s website and see how many Consultants are in your area!  Simply click HERE and hit the “Join Now” button, then enter your zip code!  EZPZ!

Click the picture below to start a new adventure in life!!!

Join Pink ZEBRA in MARCH Sale Kits

Looking forward to having you in our Pink Zebra family!!!

Blessings Upon Blessings,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Shop – Host- Join! What’s Going on in Pink Zebra Land for January?

January brings around some exciting specials to get us zebra’s pumped up and ready to take on the world. I seriously have never met a more positive group of men and women!  Here’s what’s going on in the herd this month.


Our newest addition to Paisley’s Pick is breathtaking.  I don’t understand how they can hit the nail on the head every time!  Our Long Stemmed Roses are no different.  By far my FAVORITE Paisley’s Pick to date!!  Grab you a jar for $8!!



Our Spring/Summer catalog will be launching early in February!! Make sure you grab your favorite seasonal scents before they are gone until next year!!

I'm buying at least 2 more of this scent!

I’m buying at least 2 more of this scent!


Host a Pink Zebra party!! It can be in home, a catalog party, or an online party.  If your sales reach $150 you will receive a FREE single dish Simmer Pot plus 1 1/2 priced item!   $250 in sales will get you a FREE 2 Dish Simmer Pot from us PLUS any Free item and 2 1/2 priced items!!  Pink Zebra’s host rewards are fantastic!  Hit $400 in sales and you will not only get 2 FREE items from our catalog, 3 1/2 priced items, and a the option to purchase our amazing Bold and Beautiful Host Exclusive Shade!!

Single Dish Simmer Pot! *Colors May Vary

Single Dish Simmer Pot! *Colors May Vary

2 Dish Simmer Pot. *Colors may vary

2 Dish Simmer Pot. *Colors may vary

The pictures just do not do this justice!

The pictures just do not do this justice!

Here’s a picture a fellow zebra took of her set up with our newest shade!

Home Decor at it's finest!!

Home Decor at it’s finest!!


I cannot stress how much we would love to have you on our team!!!  Our team has grown to over 15 states in just a little over a year!!! 

That's an $18 value FREE!

That’s an $18 value FREE!

For us zebra’s who are already out here in the field, we have an exciting recruiting special going on!  If Kenan and I get 2 new business partners in January and 2 in February we will receive 2 of these beautiful purses!   If we reach our goal, we will be doing a drawing to give away one of these to one of our new team members!!!  Sign up at!  This is also a great way to kick start your business and get your friends to join you on your new adventure.  New zebra can also reap the benefits of this promotion!

Earn a Free Pink Zebra Purse

Earn a Free Pink Zebra Purse

Many Blessings to you and yours!

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Pink Zebra Independent Consultants!

Pink Zebra – December is Here!

I love the start of a new month!  It’s a new chapter in a book. It’s a fresh start.  December has to be one of my favorite months. The Christmas season is always such a bittersweet time.  The memories of loved ones who have passed on, prayers for a white Christmas, hot chocolate around the Christmas tree, and precious time with family.  December brings out the best in most people.

With the start of a new month, Pink Zebra brings us some new and exciting products and promotions!  Our December – January host exclusive shade is an absolute beauty!  Hosts will have the chance to purchase this beautiful set for 50-75% off retail price!  This is in addition to our standard host rewards were thousands pick up free and half priced items! Very helpful during the Christmas season for hosts and their guests!

Pink Zebra December Host Bold Beautiful

Pink Zebra Host Rewards

Our Marshmallow Snowmen is Paisley’s Pick for the month!  This scent literally makes my mouth water.  I’m told it’s smells amazing mixed with our Chocolate Whoopie Pie.  Chocolate + Marshmallows = PARTY!

Remember ALL of Paisley’s Picks from August-December are available for purchase!  Southern Pecan Pie was a top seller in November!

Paisleys Pick December Marshmallow Snowman

Pink Zebra has also blessed us with a sale on our starter kits.  I know many of our Consultants have started out by purchasing a kit for themselves for Christmas!  Trust me when I say, the kit alone is worth every penny! $240 worth of beautiful product for just $74. Even if you decide Pink Zebra isn’t for you down the road, you still have your money’s worth in product. Where else can you get a sample of all of our amazing scents, a Simmering Light, a beautiful shade, a reed diffuser, sample lotion, two jars of sprinkles, and a 6pk of candles for that price?! Not to mention the materials needed to jump start your business.

Save Pink Zebra Starter Kits - Enrollment

Pink Zebra listens to us! We will soon have the option to purchase health insurance.  That will put us as 1 of 3 Direct Sales companies out there to offer this feature.  Since so many of us Zebras are turning this into our full times jobs, this is a fantastic option.  Kenan is very excited about this one since one of the main reasons he continues his “real job” is for our health benefits. Now we have options!

Pink Zebra Health Insurance

Blessings to you and yours as we start this new chapter called, Christmas.

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

September to Remember! Pink Zebra Style!

I am amazed and in awe of what God has done for our Pink Zebra business.   Last month our team broke every record and doubled our sales volume!! We ended the month with $23,000 in Team Sales, 1 new promotion, and 31 new business partners!! That’s a total of 104 consultants in our down line!   

Kenan and I are working towards our goals and praying every step of the way.  Executive Manager is next on the list for me. When I promoted to Manager I released balloons filled with butterfly punch outs from my business cards to heaven in my mother’s honor.  I have BIG plans for my next two promotions.  Executive Manager and then on to Director.  Y’all are going to LOVE it! So stay tuned to see what flies this time!

I cannot count how many times God has used these amazing men and women from Pink Zebra to come in and comfort me, push me, hug me, pray for me, and cheer me on.  Some days I just want to quit, some days I want to stand on my rooftop and shout to the world, “Pink Zebra is changing lives!”  It’s been an amazing roller coaster and to think, I’m only 13 months into this adventure.

Join us on this journey! We are going places and having a blast doing so! I think my mother would be proud! 

Join Pink Zebra

Click on the picture above to join our team! Together we can change lives. Even yours. 


Kenan and Emily

Visit us online at

Tomorrow, Tomorrow! It’s Only a Day Away!

Can you believe that we are almost in October? This year is flying by!

Tomorrow is your last chance to take advantage of Pink Zebra’s sign up special! Only 3 years old and we are almost at 20,000 Consultants! WOOHOO!  You can view how many Consultants are in your area here.  Simply enter your zip code!

Pink Zebra Enrollment Kit

You can click on the picture above to join me team.

Kenan and I have made a huge jump this month.  It’s very exciting to see how much it is growing. Our fearless Founder’s Tom and Kelly Gaines explained to us the growth rate.  Until you see it happening it kind of seems like a dream.  Then this Fall our numbers and team started growing.  We are very close to hitting our 100th team member!  That was our goal by the end of December!  We are in shock and awe of God.

So for those first time viewers or those who have heard of Pink Zebra but have never really understood what it is.. Here is the definition straight from our VP’s mouth.

What Is Pink Zebra

I love the way Colby defines it here. Simple and straight to the point.  Our soy wax sprinkles are the size of pellets.  Buy two jars of sprinkles, you have 3 scents.  Since they are so tiny they are easy to mix fragrances. 1tbs is the normal serving size. You get 10-12 tbs out of one 3.75oz. jar of sprinkles.  Each tbs last approx. 40 hours. That’s about 400 hours of fragrance all for $8. Yeah, it’s SO worth it. 

You can also become a mad scientist like me and mix scents.  It’s what I do for fun. 

Pink Zebra Recipes Mixed

As a Consultant, I can purchase empty jars from Pink Zebra. $4.80 will get you a 6 pack.  I then use those to let my creative juices flow.  I only sell and mix tried and true recipes.  Anything new I come up with, I burn first.  I don’t want to sell a jar of Sprinkles that looks amazing, even smells good in the jar, but then once you throw a little in your warmer it smells like cold pizza. Gag! 

What about our warmers?

Pink Zebra how to

Pink Zebra offers a full line of Simmering Lights (Shown above). These allow you to light your house all while burning your favorite scent. I have one of these in each bedroom.  They work fantastic as a nightlight and add to the decor of my kiddos room.  The boys have an orange base in their room with the Modern Lantern Shade over it. Their room is in camo so the orange looks good.  The girls have purple in their room.  They switch out their shades all the time. So if I told you which one was in there right now, I’d be lying. They are all getting starter kits for their 18th birthday so they can leave my PZ alone! hehe!

We also offer Simmer Pots which do not take a light bulb! These are great space savers! You can view our entire catalog here.

Don’t overlook our reed diffusers!  We are in the process of selling our RV right now.  It smells like apples!  I didn’t want potential buyers walking into a musky smelling space. Now it smells like an orchard. Ahhh! 

Pink Zebra RV home fragrance

Reed Diffusers are also great in the work place!

Air Freshener Pink Zebra

These are great sellers and look great in any room! 

I hope this answered some of your questions about what Pink Zebra is and how our products can meet your needs. I could go on and on. But I’ll leave you with some words of wisdom.

Thank you for stopping by. Kenan and I appreciate all that you do for us. Your support is amazing.  We are truly blessed beyond measure.

Dare to Be brave Pink Zebra

Happiness - Pink Zebra

You can visit us online at! 


Kenan and Emily

Pink Zebra Beginner Basics! ZebraNet and Placing Orders!

Hello to our new team members first and foremost! We are excited to have you! Our team has hit the 77 mark! Can’t wait to see who else God brings to our amazing team!

Today I want to touch on a few quick tips for our new Consultants. 

Logging into your online “back office”.  You would be surprised how many Consultants do not know how to do this basic step. This is very important for ordering, learning vital information from the company, etc. Our company calls this ZebraNet. Go to and BOOKMARK this page. Add it to your home screen. Keep it somewhere you can easily find it. The more you grow your business, the more you will use this website. Scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on “Consultant Login”. A page will pop up for you to enter your Consultant ID# and password.  In the confirmation email you received when you signed up, your password and ID# will be in there.  Look through your emails from Pink Zebra Home and I’m sure you will find your welcome email. IF you cannot find it, you can call home office, the number is at the bottom of the pinkzebrahome website.

Placing your first order – There are two ways to place an order. As a customer or as a Consultant. 

Both will be found in ZebraNet under the shopping tab. 

Consultant Order – This one is pretty self explanatory as you go through the steps. Add your items to the cart. Go all the way to check out. Here is where you can either leave the order and save it for later OR you can choose to complete your order.  Hit the payment option beside the order.  You will be charged wholesale pricing (25% off retail) on ALL consultant orders. 🙂 This will count towards your sales volume at Retail price.

If you are placing a large order either from a collection of customer orders or stock orders, I recommend doing a PARTY ORDER. To count as a party your order must be a total of $150 in Retail Pricing.  Go under shopping and create a party order. You can be the host as many times as you would like on Party Orders. I have heard that other Direct Sales companies limit you.  This is not the case with Pink Zebra. There is also no time limit with our parties. Create yourself as a host. When entering your first customer order under this party, you may also register a customer as a future host by checking the box.  IF you have several orders all shipping to you, group them all under one customer. This will save on shipping!! Follow the steps from here on out. When you are done with this party you may close out the customer orders by choosing to pay with party cash as a method. This will allow you to keep your commissions and pay at wholesale pricing in the final step.  Next you are going to proceed to host rewards. Depending on your party total (before tax and shipping) you can earn a ton of free and half priced items.  Your free items can be anything in the catalog. There is no price cap! NOTE: You will be charged tax and shipping of retail price on the host items. (This covers our you know whats with Uncle Sam)

After you have entered your host order you are going to proceed to step 5, finalize the party. YOU MUST FINALIZE THE PARTY in order for it to close, ship, and count towards sales volume.  This is the part where you can pay with your credit card at your wholesale pricing. 

BAM!!! You are done and have entered your customer or stock order all while keeping your commission or saving money on wholesale pricing. 

Those are my basic steps for y’all today. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at

I hope I explained this clearly for y’all. In ZebraNet under Resources, please get familiar with all the training and information in there.  Please don’t overlook this. 90% of the questions you may have about your business are covered in the Resources tab. 🙂

God Bless you all,

Be Warm and Well Fed,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Visit us online at

Like us on Facebook!


Pink Zebra Giveaway!! Ends 2/3/14

On February 3rd I will be announcing the winner of a FREE jar of Pink Zebra’s sprinkles.  With the debut of our Spring catalog this coming Saturday, one lucky winner will receive a NEW scent from the new line!! How exciting!!  Pink Zebra will be adding 16 new and returning scents.  In addition to our new Fragrance of the Month campaign, which will include a NEW scent every month!!!

So what’s new for January?


I can’t describe the subtle hints of orange with fresh floral notes.  This has quickly become a new favorite!

For February, our new scent of the month is Paisley’s Punch.


I will get to smell this one this weekend, but I’m sure it will be stellar based on all of our other fantastic scents!!

So…how do you win a jar of sprinkles from our new line?  3 simple steps!!

1) Like me of facebook here.

2) Share my giveaway post. (on facebook)

3) Leave a comment on my status telling me what your favorite Pink Zebra fragrance is.  If you haven’t tried our amazing sprinkles yet, comment with your favorite scent.


Enter before February 3rd.  Enter as may times as you like. Share, share, share!!

If you are interested in learning more about Pink Zebra, visit me online at

Love Pink Zebra? Contact me about doing an online party, catalog party, or facebook party.  We have many options and you can earn some seriously amazing home decor and smell goods for free or 1/2 price!

Want it ALL?   There is still time to take advantage of our generous enrollment offer!!  Kits starting at $74 PLUS $50 in Pink Dollars to purchase whatever pink zebra products you want for free!! Over a $240 value.  Click on the picture below to learn more!


Thanks for stopping by! Good luck and don’t forget to share, share, share!!

Kenan and I really appreciate each and every one of you!!




Day Six of our Twelve Days of Christmas – 15% Off!!


Take 15% off your entire order!!

Offer valid only through me.

And no, you are not going crazy! I missed day 5!!!  So here’s your chance to take advantage of two special offers!

Day 5

Email me @

Find me on Facebook

Visit me online at

Merry Christmas and God Bless!!


And here’s a little Christmas Recipe to get you in the Christmas mood!


Considering Joining a Network Marketing Company?


I am blessed beyond measure!  It has been a crazy few days.  3 parties in 24 hours and 2 people chose to become a part of the Pink Zebra family!  I am so overjoyed for them because I can see the potential Pink Zebra has to offer and I know these ladies will go far!  I have a team of super starts.  They help me out in so many ways I could never thank them enough. I am very honored to coach these ladies and gentleman.  Hearing someones goals and helping being a part of that is an honor. At the same time they are helping me achieve my goals.  We are a TEAM!

As I have posted before I joined Pink Zebra in August. September was my first official month to hit the ground running.  I am now and Executive Consultant and on my way to being a Manager!  My little team of 1 is now a team of 8 in just a couple short months!  Pink Zebra delivers a product that people love. 

How many people use wax warmers?  How many people love their house smelling great?  How many people prefer soy candles and wax over regular paraffin wax?   Soy wax is more cost effective, better for the environment, etc.  The list goes on and on.  I will try to find a study somewhere or try to do one on my own that actually show some statistics on my above questions.   The point remains the same. Pink Zebra offers products that people already use! 

Pink Zebra is new, catchy, has remarkable quality products, 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, eco-friendly, non toxic, the list can go on and on.  Nothing against Scentsy, Glade, or other companies out there that have wax melts.  I actually highly respect Scentsy for paving the way for Pink Zebra to come along and offer something different to what everyone is used to.  Pink Zebra’s Sprinkles may not be for everyone. (Although I think everyone should have some!) 

Some advice for you as an individual that goes for any company your considering enrolling in.

When choosing a Direct Sales/Network Marketing company, my advice to you is to choose one with consumable products.  Consumable products = Repeat customers!

Enrollment kits should be reasonably prices.  Around $100 or so.  Make sure the company you are looking into compensates their consultants for sales and not just for sponsoring.  Sponsoring should be an added bonus to an already amazing compensation plan bases off sales.  Companies that are free to join make me wonder. Why?  You can join for free, yay, ok.. but ponder WHY these companies are free to join. Do some research.  Are they brand new or are they desperate for people to enroll?  Do your homework before you jump on the Direct Sales bandwagon.

Strong support for your sponsor and your sponsor’s sponsor and so on. These tools are vital to reaching your goals! Before you join, ask how much help you can expect from those above you?  For example: The wonderful lady who is #1 in our company with team wholesale volume, I talk to her on a pretty regular basis.  She is a text or a phone call away.  My whole upline checks in on me. Cheers me on.  AND I have the honor of being asked to speak at our Pink Zebra Rally in Houston next week!  If that is not upline support, I don’t know what is!

And join a company that is fun!!!!   One that you enjoy. Love sharing your story and products with everyone! I know I do.



You can contact me anytime day or night.  Check out my website at

Join our amazing team! JOIN NOW

Follow me on Facebook!

God Bless!!


Restoring Life

Yesterday was a day that I will never forget.  Besides the fact that it was my first real vendor event with Pink Zebra, the day turned into something truly amazing.   Pink Zebra was blessed to be a part of a fundraising event for Restoration House Ministries.

Restoration House

Restoration House helps restore broken lives by taking in young women and teaching them the tools they need to succeed in life.  Many brave women got on the stage and shared their testimonies.  With tears in their eyes, they bared it all.  So many stories about drug addiction, prostitution, abuse, hopelessness, prison, and despair.  These women should be honored!  The stories all started different, broken homes, abusive parents, etc. But they all had the same ending.  The game changer.   These beautiful women all told the same story about a Savior, coming into their lives and changing them forever from the inside out.  Through Christ’s strength they were able to stand up in front of a crowded room, air their “dirty laundry” and give others hope of a better life.  And remind those of us (myself included) who have struggled with past evils of the hope that is within us and not to take it for granted.


Our event went really well.  A lot of new people were introduced to Pink Zebra and fell in love with it.

This is why I love my job.  While working I was so encouraged and so blessed to be part of such a wonderful cause.  I am looking forward to next year!

Here’s a few snapshots of our booth.  My husband thinks it’s a little TOO pink,  Might have to work on that one for him. Ok babe?



I have the best team!  This is Jacy, Mallory, and myself.


We would love to have you on our team.  It is so much fun. I love my job.

To become a team member click here.

To learn more about me and Pink Zebra click here.

You can also follow me on Facebook to learn more about Pink Zebra and keep up to date with our latest specials.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless!
