Headed to the Top!

It’s one thing to work hard and have a hard working team.  It’s a completely different feeling when you start seeing that success in writing!  Pink Zebra is amazing at recognizing hard work and always giving us reasons to work harder.  God has blessed our business so much.  Last night on our company webinar and in our newsletter, the fruits of our labor were recognized.  For 14 months I have dreamed and prayed about being in the TOP 50 for Team Volume! Well, thanks be to God, another milestone in our business was reached.  We made the list!!!  

Top Team Volume Pink Zebra

Top Team Pink Zebra

A huge shout out to Desiree! She’s rocking her Pink Zebra business.  She made the list twice! Once for promoting and again for new business partners!!  I just love every single team member and all of their hard work and dedication.  Congrats to Desiree and my whole team for making these Top Rock Star pages!! So exciting!

Pink Zebra Executive Consultants Promotion

Top Sponsors

I cannot wait to see what else God has in store for this business!! BIG HUGE EXCITING things are coming to Pink Zebra in 2015!! I will share in a later post but it just keeps getting better and better!!

We have an amazing special going on this month with our starter kits. Join our team!! We would love to have you!!! 

Click the picture to join our team!

Click the picture to join our team!

Stay Warm and Well Fed!


Emily and Kenan Dibrell

Visit us online at sprinklesoffaith.com

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Commit to the Lord

The Role of a Leader in Business and Life.

leadership Pink Zebra

Leadership. When I first started with Pink Zebra I didn’t plan on becoming a leader.  Apparently God had other plans for me. As our team grows more and more each day, I realize that a leader is exactly what God has called me to be. Our team is close to hitting the 100 business partner mark!   There are some days when I think God made a mistake. I feel like Moses and the burning bush (on a much smaller scale of course).  Me? Really?  I’m an introvert by nature. I am just fine staying to myself and living my quiet little life. Good thing God is in control and not me!!

Over the past year I have slowly stepped further and further away from my comfort zone of the introvert. It has been painful at times but more rewarding than I can describe.  Hearing the words, “You inspire me!” or “I’m not giving up because of you.” hits a special place deep down in my spirit. 

 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,  not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)

This can be a very difficult task.  We are by nature selfish creatures. We want to be #1, we want what we want.  Being a leader only works when you heed the words of Paul. Do nothing out of selfish ambition.  It is ok to want to succeed.  There is NOTHING wrong with being successful! Becoming a leader means having to put others ahead of you. 

 When I have a new team member enroll under me, my success is based on their success.  The better leader I am, the better my team flourishes.  The more I put others before myself and throw off selfish ambition, the more rewarding life becomes.  Not just financially, don’t get this confused with just making more money from a great team, that is a bonus.  The doing of God’s Word is what makes it joyous.  We are called to be doers and not just hearers of the Word. Leadership is an action roll. We cannot be leaders without being doers.  If you have ONE person on your team, you ARE a leader. Title or not!  How you treat your team, children, friends, etc. is going to reflect.  Sometimes that is not a mirror you want to look into, especially if you are living your life for your own selfish ambitions.

I urge you today, no matter what Direct Sales company you are with, no matter what line of work you do, no matter if you have 1 child or 10, be a leader.  KNOW where you are going! Rebuke negative behavior and praise accomplishments, no matter how small.  If your 5 year old son picks up 4 out of 823 legos on the floor, praise for those 4!! Don’t focus on the 823 he missed. Start building others up and see if that child isn’t eager to pick up those other legos.  Positive breeds positive!!

I leave you today with a few quotes. John Maxwell is a great leader who Pink Zebra’s VP of sales quotes to us. Very inspiring. 

leadership-quotes-john maxwell Pink Zebra

God gives us the ability to empower others!! 

Pink Zebra Strong

Pink Zebra Leadership

Many Blessings to you!

Be Warm and Well Fed,

Kenan and Emily Dibrell

Husband and Wife Team

Pink Zebra Independent Consultants

Visit us online sprinklesoffaith.com