Springtime at the Farm! Meet our New Horse!

The month of April has brought new beginnings to our life.  There is something about Spring that has always helped me out of the winter blues, so to speak.  More time outside with family and friends, sunshine to soak up, and time to just lay down outside and surrender all to God.  The land is turning greener by the day!

This Spring has been extra special for us.  We have a few new additions to our family.  As I have posted before, we had to put our Welsh Pony down last month.  That was difficult.   I had a bit of what you would call “empty nest” or “empty stall” in my case.  Kenan blessed me with a new horse!

Meet Sky –

Sky Paint Horse



Sky is an 11 year old Paint mare.  She is beautiful, full of energy, and has a personality that is just amazing!  Of course she’s a mare so she tends to be a little “moody” at times.  But what female isn’t! LOL! I know I have my moments. Shocker right?!  She has made such a huge impact on our family in such a short time. 


The children and I have spent hours looking at her markings.  We think Paint horses are like clouds.  You always see something different every time you look at them.   It’s been a nice escape from reality on stressful days. 

Paint Mare

She’s been very fun to ride.  She’s had a little attitude from time to time. She’s trying to see just how far she can push me.   Establishing dominance and trust with her has been very easy.  

Sky and myself on an afternoon ride. My view!

Horse ViewThe best seat in the world! In my opinioI prefer riding bitless.  She’s taken a snaffle bit well but for just trotting around the land and down the road, her halter is all I need.  She’s a good girl.

The kids are in love with her!  We’ve taken it slow letting them ride since everything is still new to her.  But here’s a couple pics of my babies on her.  She’s done amazing!

This is Ethan and Allison riding together.  As you can tell by the look on their faces, I think it’s safe to say they’re enjoying her.

Kids on horse WP_20140404_19_21_03_Pro WP_20140404_19_24_41_Pro



 Hailee is still a little nervous on her.  So we are taking it slow and retraining Hailee how to ride.  She was thrown off our gelding a couple years ago. But Hailee always gets back up! Proud of her!

And just like any child (horse) as soon as she gets a bath…

Horse Rolling


  We’re also expanding our flock of chickens!!!

Baby Chicks



 I know, you just said… awww!

I also have a shipment of Australorps coming in tomorrow!  I had to order them from a hatchery.  Australorps are amazing egg producers. Can you say, YUM!?


We currently have 2 roosters.  Our big Production Red’s name is Cujo. We also have a little Bantam rooster named, Ferb.  Ferb thinks he’s in charge but every now and then Cujo puts him in his place, or visa versa.  My oldest daughter snapped a picture of the “chicken dance”.



I hope Spring has brought many new beginnings to you and yours.  I’d love to hear from you!


God Bless,
